Deep Forest - Discography (1992-2013) FLAC
Deep forest(森林物语/黑森林)是由来自比利时布鲁塞尔的Dan Lacksman(曾为Thomas Dolby、Sparks及YMO制作专辑而名噪一时)担纲制作,结合了二位法国音乐家 Michel Sanchez和Eric Mouquet在联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization简称UNESCO)的全力支持下,深入非洲中部雨林区,以简易的器材录下喀麦隆、布隆迪及塞内加尔之各矮人部族的歌谣,经过他们的巧思重新编曲,配上时下盛行的欧式舞曲节奏,以崭新的风貌推向国际。
Deep Forest透过揣摩想象将视觉的意象予以节奏化,用旋律为天地万物的情感取得和谐共鸣,所有难以言语的感觉瞬间舞动人类心灵,Eric Mouquet、Michel Sanchez两位团员足迹遍布加勒比海、古巴、墨西哥、伯利兹、马达加斯加,音乐行囊包裹着矮人族、游牧民族、非洲、东欧的乐音,在延伸人类眼界之余,
Deep Forest 92年初以首张同名专辑中的梦幻雅致旋律单曲Sweet Lullaby进驻英国金榜TOP 10。
两年之后,94年Deep Forest又发行了第二张专辑《World Mix 》
这是一张针对前作《Deep Forest》的混音专辑。
1995年专辑《Bohème》一首Marta's Song更将台湾兰屿雅美族原始部落歌声引荐到全世界,
此段音乐也被劳勃阿特曼执导的电影《Ready To Wear》
1998年作品《Comparsa》Deep Forest转而沉浸在欢愉的嘉年华气氛。
1999年发布现场特辑《Made In Japan》。
2002年度大碟《Music Detected》以亚洲民族戏曲为主轴展开摇滚、迷幻色彩的部落寻根之旅,以SWATCH广告曲Snow In Sahara走红全球的女歌手Anggun,平和与哀伤情感浓度适宜的歌声为歌曲《Deep Blue Sea》泛起无边的希望。除此之外,Deep Forest还找来横扫日本及台湾的“岛国歌姬”元千岁登上国际乐坛演唱首波主打单曲《Will You Be Ready》。
2004年,Deep Forest的精选辑《Essence Of The Forest》正式由Sony发行,专辑收录了Deep Forest多年来的经典曲目,《Deep Forest》、《Sweet Lullaby》、《Marta's Song》、《Deep Weather》、 《Deep Blue Sea》等均在其列。 同年,专辑《Kusa No Ran》在并仅在日本发行,该专辑是Deep Forest为电影《Kusa No Ran 草の乱》制作的电影原声音乐。
Deep Forest和Enigma一样有着极高的口碑,是NewAge音乐世界中最为耀眼的明星。音乐家以独有的法国式浪漫融合全球各地的音乐语言创造出了一支又一支Deep Forest风格的曲子,Deep Forest可以是舞曲也可以是POP,还可以是Ambient...可以来自非洲草原,也可以来自美洲森林,同样也可以来自象我们这样古老的国度, Deep Forest从推出第一张专辑至今,前后发行的创作专辑大碟一共有9张,还有一些单曲以及现场演绎或者Remix版本的专辑。
Artist: Deep Forest
Title Of Album: Discography
Label: Epic-Sony (Japan), Toshiba-EMI (Japan), Gumbo Music (Japan), East-West (Japan), Saint George, Columbia, Dance Pool, Epic, MSM Music, Universal
Country: Japan, France, US, UK, Australia, Germany
Release date: 1992-2013
Genre: House, Tribal, Downtempo, Ambient
Quality: FLAC (image+.cue/tracks+.cue)
Bitrate: lossless
Total Size: 16,97 GB
:: Tracklist ::
:: Albums ::
Deep Forest (1992) - Deep Forest (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (1994) - World Mix (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (1995) - Boheme (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (1997) - Comparsa (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (1999) - Made In Japan (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (2000) - Pacifique (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (2002) - Music Detected (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (2003) - Essence of Deep Forest (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (2004) - Kusa No Ran (Japanese Press & Release)
Deep Forest [Eric Mouquet] (2008/2010 CD Release) - Deep Brasil (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest [Eric Mouquet] & Rahul Sharma (2013) - Deep India
Deep Forest [Eric Mouquet] (2013) - Deep Africa (US Edition)
:: Singles ::
Deep Forest (1992) - Sweet Lullaby [CD1] (CDM)
Deep Forest (1992) - Sweet Lullaby [CD2] (5-Remixes CDM)
Deep Forest (1993) - Deep Forest [CD1] (CDM)
Deep Forest (1993) - Deep Forest [CD2] (The Ambient Mixes CDM)
Deep Forest (1994) - Liquid Cool (Apollo 440 - Single vol.2) [CDM]
Deep Forest (1994) - Savana Dance [CD1] (CDM)
Deep Forest (1994) - Savana Dance [CD2] (CDM)
Deep Forest (1994) - Undecided (Youssou N'dour & Neneh Cherry) [CDM]
Deep Forest and Peter Gabriel (1995) - While The Earth Sleeps [CDM] (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (1995) - Boheme (The Remixes) [CDM]
Deep Forest feat. Cesaria Evora (1995) - Cancera (Single)
Deep Forest (1995) - Coral Lounge (Strange Days ost)
Deep Forest (1995) - Marta's Song (The Remixes) (CDM)
Deep Forest (1995) - Out Of Reach (The Sahotas Featuring Deep Forest Remixes) [CDM]
Deep Forest feat. Sally Oldfield (1995) - Three Rings (The Deep Forest Mixes) (CDM)
Deep Forest (1995) - Boheme (Limited Australian Tour Edition - Bonus CD)
Deep Forest (1996) - Bohemian Ballet (Promo CDM)
Deep Forest (1998) - Noonday Sun [CDM] (Japanese Press & Release)
Deep Forest (1997) - Freedom Cry [CDM] (Japanese Press & Release)
Deep Forest (1997) - Madazulu [CDM] (Japanese Press)
Deep Forest (1997) - Collector Platine (CDM)
Deep Forest (2002) - Endangered Species (Remixes By Christian Hornbostel And Galleon) (CDM)
Deep Forest (2002) - Honjo Song [Web] (Bonus - Unreleased Track)
Deep Forest (2002) - I Wish You Love [Groove Remix By Deep Forest]
Deep Forest (2007) - Sweet Lullaby Remixed [Web]
Deep Forest feat. Flavio Dell Isola (2011) - Deep Brasil (3 Exclusive Bonus Tracks)
Deep Forest [Eric Mouquet] (2013) - Dub Africa
:: Projects ::
Catherine Lara (1999) - Aral (Japanese Press)
Dao Dezi (1994) - World Mix Album (Japanese Press)
Dao Dezi (1995) - Ti Eliz Iza (CDM)
Michel Sanchez (1994) - Windows (Japanese Press)
Michel Sanchez (2000) - Hieroglyphes (Japanese Press)
Pangea (1996) - Pangea (Japanese Press)
Thorgal (Eric Mouquet feat. Various Artists) (2000)
Wes (1996) - Welenga (Japanese Press)
Wes (1997) - Alane [CDM] (Todd Terry Remixes) (Japanese Press)

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