专辑英文名:A Touch of Tranquility
艺 术 家:Phil Coulter 菲尔·科尔特
音乐风格: New Age, Easy Listening
发行厂牌:Shanachie Records
音乐资源:FLAC 专辑介绍 爱尔兰音乐一直是世界音乐、凯尔特音乐象征着欧洲文化的精华,也是欧裔美籍移民的精神依靠。Phil Coulter则是爱尔兰知名乐人,不仅自身弹得一手好钢琴,在音乐创作领域里更是达到了炉火纯青的境界。
这张专辑《A Touch Of Tranquility》(触摸宁静)集结了他最受欢迎的曲目和六首全新单曲,其中包括感人至深的“Dear Sarah”以及由爱尔兰国家交响乐团演奏的爱尔兰国歌弦乐版“A Soldier's Song”。 Coulter's latest release is a collection of some of his most requested recordings, plus six brand new tracks. The new tracks range from the immensely moving "Dear Sarah," taken from the recent PBS television documentary on the Amerian Civil War (with vocals by Liam Clancy), to a stirring version of the Irish National Anthem, "A Soldier's Song." This release contains a total of 18 tracks, featuring over 60 minutes of music. 专辑曲目 01 The Derry Air (Danny Boy) 02:59
02 Carrickfergus 03:25
03 The Meeting of the Waters / The Rose of Mooncoin 03:09
04 The Rose of Tralee 03:16
05 Spancil Hill 03:23
06 The Green Glens of Antrim 03:05
07 Raglan Road 04:42
08 The Mountains of Mournce 03:39
09 I'll Tell Me Ma 02:05
10 The Anniversary Song 03:40
11 The Sally Gardens 03:30
12 The Water is Wide 03:43
13 The Spinning Wheel 03:26
14 The Fields of Athenry 03:22
15 Dear Sarah 04:00
16 One Day at a Time 02:40
17 The Emigrant's Letter Eamon An Chnuic 03:18
18 A Soldier's Song 02:55
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