
1.always getting over you (AngelaAmmons)

Angela Ammons 面容娇好,嗓音甜美,不红不紫。。。 这位来自美国德州的少女歌手Angela Ammons今年只有18岁,嗓音甜美,有着娇好面容的她擅长将新潮Hip-Hop予以传统灵魂乐加料润饰,并喜将节奏蓝调与瑞典制作人Britney Spears‘NSync的风格融入摇滚,而词汇之中更摸透男人情感的新节奏蓝调女性Sy Smith的“Do Things”!她凭着在电影”Save The Last Dance” 原声大碟中的倾情献唱引起了乐坛的关注。这首脍炙人口的”Always Getting Over You”同样也是一首电影插曲,收录在”American Pie II”《美国派2》的原声大碟中。爽朗的吉他流行曲调和清新甜美的嗓音带出了新鲜时尚的感觉,空幻欢快的旋律抚慰人心。喜欢这种发自内心深处 真情实感的歌曲,过耳不忘的旋律怎能错过?
Do do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do...
Was I not enough stimulation
Hit by a brake the other day
Just when I thought that I'm okay
You didn't like my conversation
I can't come up with something new
It doesn't really matter what I do
So here's my observation
You could never see it through my eyes
And I'm too tired to try
So don't call and say your coming back for me
Don't mean nothing
I'm always getting over you
And don't lie and say your over me
Don't mean nothing
I'm always getting over you
Do do do do
Do do do do do
Was it too much aggrevation
Your telling me the way that I won't see
And then I change my mind you disagree
I used to be our inspiration
You chase your mind you disappear
And I know it's never over
So don't call and say your coming back for me
Don't mean nothing
I'm always getting over you
And don't lie and say your over me
Don't mean nothing
I'm always getting over you
Do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do.....

2.Mercury Rev-goddess on a hiway

Mercury Rev在80年代末期成立于Buffalo,乐队如今的事业中囊括了他们自己漫长而艰难的一番奋斗。Mercury Rev以主音兼原声吉他手Jonathan Donahue、吉他手Grasshopper以及贝斯手Dave Fridmann为核心,在乐队新专辑“All Is Dream”中Mercury Rev中还加入了新成员鼓手兼钢琴——纽约人Jeff Mercel
Mercury Rev的第一张录音一开始纯粹是为乐队成员朋友们拍摄的实验电影做的原声,David Baker(配和声)、Suzanne Thorpe(演奏笛子)以及Jimy Chambers(敲击)加入了这个松散的团体,并最终在纽约的Fredonia小录音棚里趁休息时间完成了录制小样的工作。
而这张小样也不经意间让英国的Jungle/Mint公司相中了Mercury Rev,并联系Donahue关于为乐队做主唱的事宜。 Mercury Rev这个名字的来源说法多样,有的说来自特兰夕法尼亚的一个芭蕾舞演员,有的说是一个密封的安培计,还有一辆马力强劲的汽车之说。Mercury Rev经过重组之后发行了乐队的第一张专辑“Yerself Is Steam”,专辑中扭曲失真的艺术流行音乐诗篇——如“Chasing a Bee”,“Coney Island Cyclone”以及“Frittering”都是相当耀眼的作品。
1991年“Yerself Is Steam”的发行博得了各方喝彩。一年后乐队接着推出了单曲碟“Car Wash Hair”,在这种唱片中Mercury Rev再次以擅于变化的音乐才能确立了自己独一无二的地位,但乐队成员之间的矛盾和演出安排的不断调整一时间使得Mercury Rev即将解散的谣言肆起。
然而Mercury Rev在1993年发行了“Boces”,让谣言不功自破,这张唱片也再次继承了乐队将洁净的流行乐元素与狂热的噪音结合的音乐风格。尽管这张唱片第二年里登上了全英销量榜前50的位置,但由于音乐上的分歧促使固执的David Baker离开了Mercury Rev ……

3.Give what you take--Mojave 3


4.Angels calling me(天使的呼唤)

如果有一夜你在梦里云中散步,你的感觉会是怎样? 在这张《The Weaving》专辑中,黛妮独自负责作曲、编曲 、演唱、钢琴演奏等工作。名为“织梦” 却是为你编织一个美丽的梦境,让你的感觉插上翅膀,飘逸于无限空间,然后倾听,想象……。美丽天使黛妮的深情吟唱,一尘不染的旋律,轻柔曼妙的伴奏,大自然生动的音响,还有精致无比的震撼录音,电台点播率较高的音乐。总之,这非凡间的音乐就象一只飞鸟带你在午夜的空中飞翔,那天使的吟唱会让你迷失在无边的梦境里。

5.Jazzamor —— Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Jazzamor 是来自德国法兰克福的双人组。在他们所专擅的电子缓拍音乐中,弥漫著 Bossa Nova 那种舒适耽美的氛围。 女主唱 Bettina Mischke 娇嗔的嗓音吟唱著英语法语及葡语的歌曲,增添一抹蜜糖的香甜。在第一张专辑”Lazy Sunday Afternoon”受到所有Bossa Nova 乐迷的喜爱後,他们再接再厉发行了全新专辑”A Piece Of My Heart”。 正如专辑的标题一般,这是一张回归 Bossa Nova 清纯乾净面貌的美丽唱片,除了第一张专辑里就很浓厚的 Bossa Nova 气息之外,这次还添加更多别具迷幻感的电子声响,甚至尝试了加入Tango 节奏而呈现另一番风味。 整体而言就是那么的舒服!就等你抛开恼人工作,以愉悦心情欣赏!这首歌来自Jazzamor 在03年的一张名为"Shang hai fashion"的合集中翻唱的Bill withers 为电影Notting jill(诺丁山)所唱的插曲"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone",重新演绎的曲风听着大有fashion 上海的印象.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.
It's not warm when she's away.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away.
Wonder this time where she's gone,
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't a home
Any time she goes away
And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, I know, I know
I ought to leave the young thing alone,
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone,
only darkness everyday.
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't a home
Any time she goes away
I ought to leave the young thing alone,
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone,
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away.

6.Atomic Kitten -------- It's OK

原子少女猫三人组(简称AK)在出产The Beatles的利物浦,成员有Natasha、Kelly、Liz,相当有个性的女孩。在舞台上常有狂野的摆臀动作,Natasha是今年英国“年度美臀”奖最新得主;
首张专辑《Right Now》,由英国流行偶像重量级制作人Absolute担纲。首支单曲“Right Now”,70年代的Disco风格加上Pop节奏,完全让人难以忘怀;“See Ya”则在强力的旋律加上街头风格的Hip Hop节奏中, 完美地将等身大的3人魅力而作的一首流行歌曲;最新单曲“I Want Your Love”,在电影《The Big Country》主题配乐的旋律中,营造出一分未来的太空感, 是首人听心爱的舞曲风格作品。
Well, I remember all the nights I used to stay at home (home)
On the phone (phone), all night long
Used to talk about all the things we really wanna do
I believed in you
I remember how you used to say
Have no fear (no fear), you'll be OK (OK)
When you told me anything you want is possible
We could have it all
Must have been a fool
All my dreams were with you
I say it's OK
I can promise you it's all right
You ain't keeping me up all night
No more
You're not here, but it's OK
I assure you babe, it's all right
Well now you got to where you wanted
Like I knew you would
Cash, car, house, it's all good
It's the why you never come around here no more
Like you did before
Got it all, that's the way it seems
Looks like you live your dream
And I hope your life has turned out for the better now
When I'm not around
It's all right and a it's OK and a
You're not here with me


专辑:Hopes And Fears
风格:Alternative Pop/Rock

8.美国民歌天后*Joan Baez*琼拜雅-Diamonds & Rust钻石的璀璨

1941年1月9日出生于美国纽约Staten岛上.我们经常听到的与"民谣皇帝"Bob Dylan齐名的"民谣女皇"的称号就是指的Joan Baez.Baez作为民谣界女性权威演绎者的地位是在1959年Newprot民谣节上的演出后奠定的.她对民谣音乐的理解加上天生的近乎完美的嗓音使得她成为50年代之后民谣音乐中的一棵奇葩.
Baez最初的四张专辑均取材于美洲与英国的传统民谣,然而随着民权运动的发展,她开始逐渐投身于抗议运动,这才让Baez成为真正有内容与个性的Joan Baez.在JOAN BAEZ IN CONCERT,PART 2专辑中的一曲We Shall Overcome,从多方面体现出了Baez的音乐个性,从而成为其音乐中的经典之一.同张专辑中还包括了Bob Dylan的几首歌:Don't Think Twice,It's All Right.Joan Baez带着这些有力的歌四处进行巡回演出,从音乐发面推动了民权运动,同时也孕育了她与Bob Dylan之间浪漫的爱情故事.多年之中,Baez演绎了Dylan多首经典曲目:Farewell Angelina,Love Is Just A Four Letter Word......在这段日子与以后的岁月中,Baez越发的投身于非暴力的抗议运动.她在60年代中创立了非暴力学习协会,自己也因为参加反站集会而两次入狱.
1968年,Joan Baez与另一位激进运动成员David Harris结婚,但于1972年离婚.1975年的专辑DIAMONDS AND RUST是一张完全由Baez自己创作的专辑,其中的标题歌Diamonds and rust被认为是Joan Baez最出色的一首歌曲之一. 这首曲子是以Baez和Dylan当年亦师亦友的感情为主轴描写的一段Joan自己的感情.歌词或可说晦涩但却蕴含真情.
进入八九十年代,Joan Baez更是把自己的生活分为两个方面:人道主义运动与音乐方面.在前者,她于1979年创立了国际人权社,于后者,Joan Baez又有多张广受好评的专辑,包括1989年纪念从艺30年的SPEAKING OF DREAMS专辑.Joan Baez前期作为一位民谣歌手,后期作为一位人道主义歌手,都决定了她是廿世纪50年代之后的一位伟大的歌手.

9.《yes i love you》b-Aaron Neville
还有另一种魅人的声线,真正达到“安能辨我是雌雄”的境界,在唱腔上也是非常的中性。象阿隆.尼维尔( ARON NEVILLE)。不要告诉我你没听说过他。你总该知道那首二重唱经典《无须知道太多》吧,收录在无数D版的欧美金曲拼盘中。其中一句“我不知道的太多,但我知道一点,我爱你”,婉转深情,打动得了铁石心肠。这是阿隆和另一位知名女歌手琳达.朗丝苔特(LINDA RONSTADT)联袂为天下有情人奉献的,并因此摘取了格莱美大奖。
我无法单独向你推荐哪一首,因为哪一首都不难听,而哪一首听来都风味相似。阿隆总在一往情深地吟哦,旋律是优美和缓的起伏,象6级风下的小波浪,承托你疲惫的心,如一叶蚱蜢舟, 不载一丝忧愁,且尽情地在无边的空灵里优游吧。
yes i yes i love you-Aaron Neville
I’m changing my mind,
Never gonna learn about how to feel again
Cause you, you’ve opened my heart,
And I just can’t hide, I love you still.
I know you mean it, when you say you need me,
You say you won’t leave me, you’ll always be here,
You won’t regret it, cause I’ll never leave you,
And I won’t deceive you, I need you too,
Yes, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,
Yes, I love you, I love you, I love you,
Oh I do, Girl, I love you
We belong together, loving forever, enjoying this life,
We’ll do what’s right, we’ll do it tonight, will you be my wife
I know you mean it, when you say you need me, won’t ever leave me,
Saying you’ll be right here my baby,
You won’t regret it, no, don’t you forget it,
I’ll never deceive you, I need you too.
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,
Yes, I love you, I love you,
I love you
Forgive me for what I’ve put you through,
I’m learning to put my trust in you,
Believe in me and I’ll show you,
Cause I’ll always be here,
I love you
I love you baby, Oh I love you baby, I love you,
I love you, from the bottom of my heart girl,
I love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you
I love you
I love you, love you, I love you,
Oh believe me darling You。

10. t.A.T.u-Not Gonna Get

如果你问现在欧洲最红的舞曲团体是谁,答案毫无疑问的一定是来自俄罗斯的洋娃娃二人组t.A.T.u,她们的乖诞作风虽然被许多卫道人士视为头号眼中钉,但无可否认她们的处女专辑“200 km/H In The Wrong Lane”(超速快感)却是当今欧陆专辑卖得最好的一张(2003年)。

11.Holler - Spice Girls
1995年迅速走红的“辣妹”组合,一度成为20世纪90年代末期全球青少年最喜爱的偶像。辣妹们曾被誉为是继“披头士”之后,英国乐坛的另一次奇迹。她们的唱片销售量累计高达4000多万张,单曲唱片也有2500万张的好成绩。但1998年,随着“姜汁辣妹”杰瑞宣布单飞后,“辣妹”组合也宣布解散。 自5人解散后,当年红遍欧美的辣妹组合仅剩的一点人气都集中在维多利亚身上,但那也是靠和贝克汉姆参加颁奖典礼勉强维持的。另外几个人的演艺事业更是毫无起色,所以几位前“辣妹”认为,“重组演出”是她们“东山再起”的最后一个机会。1996年,辣妹组合推出了第一首热门单曲《Wannabe》,一晃10年过去了,辣妹们希望能够再次聚集在一起,举行巡回演唱会,重现当年的辉煌。
Spice Girls
I wanna make you holler
Imagine us together
Don't be afraid to play my game
Boy don't you hesitate
I won't keep waiting for you
To come and let me take
You to my fantasy room
You're gonna like it there
And all the things that I do
I'll treat you right
All through the night
We can do anything
I'll take you all the places you wanna be
(I'll take you there, I'll take you there)
I'll be your fantasy
Everything you want you will find in me
If you play my game yeah
I wanna make you holler
And hear you scream my name (scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow (ow)
So you can play my game (play my game)
Imagine us together (together)
Me driving you insane (driving you insane, yeah)
You will give into me (into me)
Don't be afraid to play my game (just play my game)
So what you gonna do
Now that I've got you with me
You've gotta show me boy
Cause nothing comes for free
Start from the bottom and
Work your way up slowly
Don't be afraid to play my game
We can go all night long
Doing things you thought you would never do
(and I won't tell you now)
I won't tell anyone
What we do it's just for me and you
So come and play my game
I wanna make you holler (ho ho ho)
And hear you scream my name (scream my name ye-yeah)
I'll give you rules to follow
So you can play my game (you can play my game)
Imagine us together (imagine us)
Me driving you insane (driving you insane)
You will give into me (into me)
Don't be afraid to play my game
I wanna make you holler (holler holler)
And hear you scream my name (if you scream my name)
I'll give you rules to follow (follow follow)
So you can play my game (you can play my game)
Imagine us together (imagine us)
Me driving you insane (driving you insane)
You will give into me (ah yeah)
Don't be afraid to play my game
I wanna make you holler
(holler holler holler holler holler come on)
I wanna make you holler
(holler holler holler holler holler come on)
We can go all night long
Doing things you thought you would never do
(and I won't tell ya)
I won't tell anyone
Cause everything is just both for me and you
But you're gonna play my game yeah
I wanna make you holler (holler)
And hear you scream my name (holler-la)
I'll give you rules to follow (follow-la)
So you can play my game (you can play my game)
Imagine us together
Me driving you insane (me driving you insane)
You will give into me (into me)
Don't be afraid to play my game
I wanna make you holler
And hear you scream my name
I'll give you rules to follow
So you can play my game
Imagine us together
Me driving you insane
You will give into me
Don't be afraid to play my game
I wanna make you holler
I'll give you rules to follow
Imagine us together


STEELHEART最大的特点就是主唱Michael Matijevic那几乎能穿透听者耳膜的尖嗓和Chris Risola不拘一格的吉他演奏。在他们的歌曲中你能听到爆烈的纯金属RIFF,同时也能感受到美国那特有的乡村味道,还有他们的伤感之情。1990年,乐队签约MCA公司,在1991年推出首张同名专辑《STEELHEART》唱片中SHE‘S GONE等歌曲都成为排行榜上的职业杀手.
SHE‘S GONE这首悲伤的爱情歌曲,在乐队的演义下显得充满了灵性,整首歌用钢琴托底,以吉他点缀加上主唱撕破心一样的高音,使得它成为首足可以要一个人听后流泪的歌曲,所以向来以全世界最悲情民族之称的韩国将此歌买下作为他们一部电视剧的插曲。
She’s gone,
Out of my life.
I was wrong,
I’m to blame,
I was so untrue.
I can’t live without her love.
In my life
There’s just an empty space.
All my dreams are lost,
I’m wasting away.
Forgive me, girl.
Lady, won’t you save me?
My heart belongs to you.
Lady, can you forgive me?
For all I’ve done to you.
Lady, oh, lady.
She’s gone,
Out of my life.
Oh, she’s gone.
I find it so hard to go on.
I really miss that girl, my love.
Come back into my arms.
I’m so alone,
I’m begging you,
I’m down on my knees.
Forgive me, girl.
(Chorus x2)
Lady, oh, lady.
My heart belongs to you.
Lady, can you forgive me?
For all I’ve done to you.

13.Livin' On A prayer-Bon jovi

邦·乔维 Bon Jovi
“Bon Jovi”是当今世界上十分著名的
·邦·乔维(Jon Bon Jovi, 吉它兼主唱)、
艾力克·约翰·萨其(Alec John Such,贝
司手)、蒂考·托勒斯(Tico Torres, 鼓手
)、里奇·萨姆鲍勒(Richie Sambora, 吉
他手)和戴维·布莱恩(David Bryan, 键盘
乐队的灵魂人物Jon Bon Jovi于1962年
乐队推出了他们的首张专辑《Bon Jovi》,
专辑《Slippery When Wet》 获得了巨大的
成功。专辑中有2 首歌曲达到了单曲榜的榜
首, 专辑本身也在专辑榜上夺冠, 并在前
万张。次年, 他们又推出了专辑《New Jer-
ery When Wet》推出之后,乐队还进行了长
达16个月的世界巡回演出。在《New Jersey
》推出时,Bon Jovi乐队已成为世界上最为
1990年,Jon Bon Jovi推出了他的首张
个人专辑《Blaze of Glory/Young Gun Ⅱ》
Sambora的专辑《Strariger In This Town》
也卖出了80万张。Jon Bon Jovi和Richie
Sambora 间出现的不协调使乐队一度传出了
解散的消息。但乐队的5 位成员又于1991年
制作了乐队的第5张专辑《Keep The Faith
的销量。歌迷们再次感受到了“Bon Jovi”
Cross Road》,贝司手Alec John Such也于
的销量。这对“Bon Jovi”乐队而言是一个
“Bon Jovi”,为乐队提供了良好的前景。
1995年,“Bon Jovi”又推出了他们的一张
新专辑《These Days》。与以往的作品相比,
这张专辑的手法显得更为成熟。Bon Jovi几
《These Days》再一次使Bon Jovi获得了巨
个已经成熟的Bon Jovi。
livin' on a prayer - bon jovi
once upon a time
not so long ago
tommy used to work on the docks
union's been on strike
he's down on his luck...it's tough, so tough
gina works the diner all day
working for her man, she brings home her pay
for love - for love
she says: we've got to hold on to what we've got
'cause it doesn't make a difference
if we make it or not
we've got each other and that's a lot
for love - we'll give it a shot
we're half way there
livin' on a prayer
take my hand and we'll make it - i swear
livin' on a prayer
tommy got his six string in hock
now he's holding in what he used
to make it talk - so tough, it's tough
gina dreams of running away
when she cries in the night
tommy whispers: baby it's okay, someday
we've got to hold on to what we've got

14.mariah carey- my all

mariah carey在西方女歌手中唱功上上佳的,声音铿锵有力,假声花样百出,低音饱满厚实,高音花腔自然,无论是何种难度技巧,她都处理得自然轻松,这也是她多年为世界天后的倚仗.
i am thinking of you in my sleepless solitude tonight
if it wrong to love you then my heart just won let me right
cause i drowned in you and i won pull thourgh without you by my side
i give my all to have just one more night with you
i risk my life to feel your body next to mine cause i can go on liveing in the momory of our song
i give my all for you love tonight
bany can you feel me imagining i looking in your eyes
i can see you cleray vividly emblazoned in my mind
and yet you so far like a dinstant star i wishing on tonight
i give my all to have just one more night with you
i risk my like to feel your body next to mine cause i can go on living in the memory of our song
i give my all for your love tonight
i give my all to have just one more night with you
i risk my life to feel your body next to mine cause i can go on living in the memory of our song
i give my all for your love tonight give my all for you love tonight

15.Craigie Hill -Cara Dillo

Cara Dillon出生于1975年,来自一个爱尔兰传统音乐世家.14岁的时候,就赢得了全爱尔兰传统歌唱比赛冠军.在开始她自己喜欢的事业之前,她和她的伙伴Sam Lakeman和一家唱片公司签约想做流行歌手,可之后他们发现自己并不喜欢做流行音乐.于是他们出了一张凄美的民歌专集Cara Dillon/Rough Trade Records,出乎意料地赢得了广泛好评,Cara Dillon有着极少数人才有的美妙嗓音.清透美丽而极具风格.每一个音符都饱涵感情与技巧!
it being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing
Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray
The thrushes they were warbling, the violets they were charming
To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay
She said, my dear don't leave me all for another season
Though fortune does be pleasing I'll go along with you
I'll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish Nation
And to the bonny Bann banks forever I'll bid adieu
He said, my dear don't grieve or yet annoy my patience
You know I love you dearly the more I'm going away
I'm going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation
To comfort us hereafter all in America
Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing
"Twill cause them for to smile at our late going away
We'll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory
We'll be drinking wine and porter, all in America
If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying
The sight of the lovely Bann banks your sorrow you'd give o'er
Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower
Pleasure would surround you, you'd think on death no more
Then fare you well, sweet Craigie Hill, where often times I've roved
I never thought my childhood days I'd part you any more
Now we're sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion
And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore
推荐另一首 Lark in the clear air -Cara Dillo
Dear thoughts are my mind and my soul it soars enchanted,
As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day,
For a tender beaming smile to my hope has been granted,
And tomorrow he shall hear all my fond heart longs to say.
I will tell him all my love,all my soul's pure adoration,
And I know he will hear my voice and he will not answer me nay,
It is this that gives my soul all it's joyous elation,
As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day

16. take my breath away 带走我的呼吸

Watching every motion In my foolish lover's game
On this endless ocean Finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion As you turn around and say
Take my breath away,Take my breath away
Watching I keep waiting Still anticipating love
Never hesitating To became the fated ones
Turning and returning To some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion As you turn around and say
Take my breath away,Take my breath away

17.Maroon 5 -- she will be loved 她会拥有爱

由5名加州大学以及纽约大学高材生组成的Maroon5乐队.其实不怎么熟悉,只知道很好听.想想也足够了,不必追根溯源,快乐至上.之前的 this love也很不错.

18.LonesomeValley 爵士乐
又是一张可听性极高的cd,把吉他弹得出神入化的Eric Bibb遇到opus 3公司的严谨制作,简直是天作之合.这样的音乐很轻松,你不必去找寻固定的聆听环境和位置,你只要为自己泡一杯热茶或者煮一壶咖啡,懒懒的躺在沙发上,就可以享受到这种足以让你身心放松的音乐了,有沐浴后的舒畅感.
生于1951年的正宗纽约佬Eric Bibb家传正宗美国布鲁斯和乡村音乐.他的父亲Leon Bibb是60年代的民谣和歌剧院歌手,兼玩电视业.他舅舅是鼎鼎大名爵士钢琴师和作曲家John Lewis,Modern Jazz Quartet里的核心人物.他干爹是Paul Robeson(歌唱家加名演员)生长在触手可及的音乐环境了,小Bibb打小就颇受Odetta,Richie Havens,Pete Seeger,Earl Robinson,Joan Baez等等的影响.

19.Michael Buble - home

无法言喻的迷人歌喉,难以置信的纯熟诠释,让全世界为他屏住呼吸.随时绽放的阳光笑容,优雅自在的翩翩风度,令全世界都被他征服.他是21世纪新浪漫主义的代言人,乐坛数十年难得一见的优质男歌手,魅力四射宛如歌王法兰克辛纳屈再世.他就是Michael Buble(麦克布雷).

20.magic boulevard 魔力大道

她一部电影要看上百遍 同样的剧情 同样的场景
她帮人领位 找最后一把椅子 或是第一排的位置
大银幕上日日夜夜的爱情对白 就象风一般在她耳边来去
但有的时候 一个画面也会让她感动
她在黑暗中奇怪地生活 在这条魔力大道上
她永远遮掩着她的绝望 她静静地不去打扰那些情人们
他们闭着眼睛 错过了电影画面
她把梦想连同冰激淋一起出售 一个微笑不经意地划过 她的唇边
拿着手电筒的她 感觉自己很美 可以去做电影明星
有的时候剧场里空无一人 整个电影就是她的演出 她就是英格丽褒曼
她看着来来往往的人群 那些她熟悉的人们 那些冰冷的人们
从来不说一个字 从来没有人 温暖她的双手
她的眼泪于是流下来 在银幕上出现"剧终"的时候.

21.the one you love 你所爱的人

本歌由老鹰乐队(Eagles)里的Glenn Frey单独演绎.
爱一个人是幸福的,被一个人爱也是幸福的.但是造化弄人,爱你的人往往不是你爱的人,如果必须选择的话,你会选择爱你的人,还是你爱的人呢?这首你爱的人(The one you love)就是描述一个在爱与被爱之间挣扎的女孩.

[ 本帖最后由 liaomin 于 2006-9-11 00:49 编辑 ] |