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(沙发音乐)庆新春-《发烧系列唱片-极致身历声 10CD》(FLAC/百度云)









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专辑英文名: Supreme Stereo Sound Series
专辑中文名: 发烧系列唱片-极致身历声
Various Artists
资源格式: FLAC
版本: [10 CD]
发行时间: 2011年
地区: 大陆
语言: 英语
专辑介绍: SSS发烧系列唱片-极致身历声 10CD (Supreme Stereo Sound Series)这套系列唱片由德国金耳朵工作室录音工程师布莱尼西-阿特曼大师一手包办录音.监制。整套唱片即有动态凌厉几乎令人喘不过气的爆棚交响乐;有熨贴心灵的美妙歌声和舒缓雅典的小夜曲;也有充满浪漫温馨情调用爵士乐手法改编的古典乐曲,其选曲之靚,编排之巧,音效之佳,令人称扬。由於曲目之中不乏有无可匹敌之动态与宽阔之频响,实在是大空间,大系统的恩物,从中你可以体验到什么是极限,什么是挑战,也可以体会到双声道身历声所产生的那种强烈的三维立体空间的美妙。录音是一件很奇妙的事,需要具备许多方面的知识,例如声学.电学.电脑.戏剧.音乐等等,麦克风收录现场的声音,仅是开始,紧接而来的溷音和母带处理更不容马虎,不仅要掌握原有收录的声音品性,同时必须拿出制作人所要求的精神与内涵,考验从业者本身的艺术.哲学与音乐等的素养。最后是母带后期制作,对这一范畴的工程师有很高的要求,因为他已经跳脱对内容本身的关注,对声音挑剔到无以附加的地步,要为录音出版做最后的品性管理,确保该唱片在任何机器与环境播放时有平均的声音表现,同时要对录音过程中产生的杂讯处理到近乎不存在,或将润音与剪接过程所失去的音色和清晰度加以补偿,确保其讯号的完整性,这样的工作需要一位不仅懂录音.熟悉润音制作的录音师,更重要的他必须有比前者更挑剔的听觉敏锐度,对专业设备的系统架构概念更胜於对器材的操作。身历声的价值在於向听者传达录音空间的三维感和发声物体的实体感,在多声道环绕声大行其道的今天,唯有身历声才能正确重现现场的透视架构,因此,双声道身历声的地位至今无法被取代。Jacques Maritain在《道德哲学》中提到︰人类的感官世界由迷醉我们的温馨和快乐组成,让我们用这套系列唱片来验証这句至理名言。 专辑列表 极致立体声一号 - 红袖子
极致立体声二号 - 庄严
极致立体声三号 - 欧罗巴之夜
极致立体声四号 - 夜鶯
极致立体声五号 - 绝对人声
极致立体声六号 - 雄伟
极致立体声七号 - 金唇
极致立体声八号 - 厚嗓
极致立体声九号 - 你我
极致立体声十号 - 辉煌


第壹号《红袖子》(K2-102)以阿根廷作曲家皮亚佐拉(Astorpiazzolla)所作的探戈舞曲为主打,收录16首多层次探戈风格的作品,皮亚佐拉这个名字相信已为乐迷所熟悉。他也算是壹位“老来悄”的艺术家了,这位阿根廷之子年轻时曾跟随著名音乐教育家布郎热(NadiaBoulanger)学习古典作曲法,他终生致力挖掘作为阿根廷音乐精粹的探戈舞曲,将这种原本在街头和小酒馆演出的不登大雅之堂的小曲变为可以在音乐厅上演的作品。他渐渐地打响了名堂后,其作品开始受到壹些古典音乐演奏大师的追捧和推广,终于在各地兴起壹股“探戈”热潮,皮亚佐拉的名字也因而受到全球瞩目。这又是壹个证明“越是地方的,便越有世界性”这壹说法的好例子。皮亚佐拉的音乐具有传统探戈自由奔放的特点,演奏起来激情四射,但它绝不轻浮,相反地带有深沈,引人沈思的意味,令人情不自禁便深深陷了进去。他的音乐中的乐器运用也很有特色,其中的灵魂乐器是当地壹种叫Bandoneon的双面按钮手风琴,皮亚佐拉本人便是壹位Bandoneon好手。这种乐器频域不宽,声音集中在中频段,演奏起来异常迷人,想听到ABC的工程师是如何铺捉这种乐器的声音,请听听第15段中它如何与钢琴的深情对答,真有壹种令人意乱情迷的白热化气氛。The bright sleeves dance with vital force. It is from a special tunes of Piazzolla, representative of passionate rhythm of singers, performers and dancers, which are mixed with the shouting of audiences, achieving the most passionate and feverous place.
Remaining the artistic conception of tango, this album is full of gentle and sensible structure and passionate body. The sixteen music of supreme stereo sound combining force and beauty chosen in this album are performed and sung by famous performers, and their styles include jazz, blue, and classic, providing sixteen different kinds of enjoyment, sometimes warm, sometimes passionate. All the tango music reaches the deepest place in our heart. I promise this album won’t disappoint you, as we spared no pain and money to produce this album in Germany to guarantee the best recording.
We stick to reserving every detail. This album is dedicated to you, dear music paranoea. 专辑曲目: 01. 荣耀之歌 选自《弥撒探戈》2:59
Gloria From Misa Tango
02. 假面游行 3:14
La Cumparsita
03. 四月五日 3:53
Cinco De Abril
04. 忘却 3:45
05. 再会诺尼诺 4:43
Adios Nonino
06. 玉蜀黍 3:57
El Choclo
07. 布宜诺赛勒斯的诉说 2:24
La voz de Buenos Aires
08. 流水槽 3:59
La Gargouille
09. 给Blanca的象牙键盘 4:30
Teclado Marfil (Para Blanca)
10. 再见,我的彭巴草原 2:53
Adios, Pampa Mia
11. 极限探戈 3:33
Tango Por Máxima
12. 乡愁 4:09
13. 自由探戈 5:38
14. 回归 3:11
15. 探戈狂想曲 6:24
Tango Rapsodia
16. 假面游行 2:50
La Cumparsita



聆听这张专辑,妳会为其中丰富真挚的音乐情感而感到惊讶与感动! 当然,高水平录音,也是这张专辑的最大卖点。只使用壹套立体声麦克风的单点录音,让所有乐器显得特别活生温暖,毫无多轨混音的人工味与不自然感。无论是乐器或是人声,都显得无比真实.轻松而自然。那种彷佛身临乐队演奏现场的逼真感,真是音响迷的壹大享受。转录成CD盘后,不但更成功地维持了模拟母带的超高分辨率,更加入了立体声的音轨,在Hi-Fi系统上聆听,那种强烈的空间感与自然的丰润音乐,除了感动之外还是感动!就算没有百万音响来回放,本片CD仍然可以表现出最多的原始讯息,是音响迷.古典迷理所当然的收藏! Hearing the music from this album, you will be surprised and moved by the sincere music emotion in the melody. Of course, the perfect recording is also one of the greatest advantages. Recorded by only one set of microphones, the sounds from every instrument are specially warm and vivid, without any human-made trait of mixture. Both the sound of instruments and singing are fairy natural, as if the listeners were enjoying a live concert in music hall, which is a great enjoyment to audiophiles.
Transferred into CD, it successfully remains the super high resolution of analog master, added stereo channel. Listening by the Hi-Fi system, there is no other feeling except moving you will have during enjoyment. Although you don’t have a audio system worthy of one million, this record still bring you the original information. It is no doubt a precious collection of audiophiles and classic music fans.I have great interest in photograph for a long time. Photograph, like recording realizes the function of record. The disposal of photo is more important than pressing the button. Photograph combines sense and sensibility, which is the same as recording and music. Composers follow to some rational rules in the way of expressing emotion in their music, such as contraposition in Bach’s music, precise structures in Beethoven’s music…Recording needs extensive knowledge, including acoustics, electrics, computer, drama, music, etc. The sound collected by microphone is only the beginning. The following progress of mixing and mastering need to master the quality of sounds collected by the microphone, considering the requirements of the producer, which examine recorder’s attainment in art, philosophy and music. The final process, master postproduction asks for engineer’s strong ability to checking sounds, as he needs to make the final exam to the record to guarantee the records perform well in any recorders and environments. Also he needs to make the noise almost disappear and add colors and definition lost in the process of mixing and cutting to guarantee the integrality of sound. Such work needs a engineer who is not only know recording and mixing, but bear captious listening acuity and excellent conception to professional equipment system except operation. Stereo sounds deliver the sense of three dimensions in recoding space and sense of entity. At present, multi-channel surrounding is popular in the world. But only the stereo can reflect the structure of perspective correctly. So two-channel stereo can’t be substituted.I have cooperated with ABC (Int’l) Records for several times. We always talk about what is the best recording. Instruments are easy to sound, but difficulty to make beautiful sounds. From the angle of engineer, the production of records is as difficult as playing instruments. How to make the sound of every instrument and space clear in the record? Every musical element has its position in acoustics space. Also the balance of frequency should be considered.Supreme Stereo Sound series has been in my mind for a long time. I plan to express my definition of fine record to the Asian audiophiles through the five records. The songs I chose are mainly classic music I familiar with, dynamic orchestra symphony, refreshing singing, elegant serenade, and jazz arranged from classic music.Jacques Maritain wrote in Moral Philosophy, “Human sense consists of fragrance and happiness.” I hope to prove it by means of the series. 专辑曲目 01. 噢, 命运女神 选自《布兰诗歌》 作曲:卡尔•奥尔夫 2:30
O Fortuna From Carmina Burana Composer: Carl Orff
02. 汉第德》 序曲 选自《汉第德》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 4:33
Overture To Candide From Candide Composer: Leonard Berustein
03. 朝气蓬勃的快板  选自《第五交响曲》  作曲:贝多芬 1:42
I Allegro Con Brio From Symphony No. 5 Composer: Beethoven
04. 皇家进行曲 选自《大兵的故事》 作曲:斯特拉文斯基 2:42
The Royal March From The Soldier's Tale Composer: Stravinsky
05. 噍!四队舞 选自《卡门》 作曲:乔治•比才 4:22
No. 25 Choeur et Scène:《Les Voici! Voici la Quadrille》 From Carmen Composer: Georges Bizet
06. 夏-急板 选自《四季》 作曲:维瓦尔第 2:47
Presto From Summer From Four Seasons Composer: Vivaldi
07. 圆舞曲 选自《葛蓓莉亚》 作曲:德里布 2:10
Waltz From Coppelia Composer: Lèo Delibes
08. 桑巴 选自管弦乐《嬉游曲》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 0:58
Samba From Divertimento For Orchestra Composer: Leonard Bernstein
09. 愁世的饮酒歌 选自《大地之歌》 作曲:古斯塔夫•马勒 9:06
Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde From Das Lied von der Erde Composer: Gustav Mahler
10. 喇叭号声 选自管弦乐《嬉游曲》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 1:21
Sennets And Tuckets From Divertimento For Orchestra Composer: Leonard Bernstein
11. 凯旋进行曲 选自《阿伊达》 作曲:威尔第 8:50
Marcia e Ballabile (Grand March & Ballet) & Vieni, O Guerriero Vindice From Aida Composer: Verdi
12. 在修道院的花园里 作曲:凯特尔贝 5:34
In A Monastery Garden Composer: Albert William Ketelbey
13. 喧嚣 选自《西城故事》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 3:05
The Rumble From West Side Story Composer:Leonard Bernstein
14. 1812序曲,作品49号 作曲:柴可夫斯基 3:48
1812 Overture, Op.49 Composer: Tchaikovsky
15. 加洛发舞曲 选自《布拉班特的珍妮维芙》 作曲:约克•奥芬巴赫 2:17
Galop From Geneviève de Brabant Composer: Jacques Offenbach
16. 鸡脚上的小屋与基辅大门 选自《图画展览会》 作曲:穆索尔斯基 改编:拉威尔 9:04
The Hut on Fowl's Legs & The Great Gate at Kiev From Pictures At An Exhibition



此专辑辑录的曲目,经特别编曲的爵士手法,再加上无可挑剔的演绎与制作技术,使那些被顶礼膜拜供于音乐殿堂之上的不朽古典乐章再次焕发出无穷的艺术魅力。指挥家鲁迪·慕斯迈耶(Rudi Moosmeier)是非常棒的CD直刻指挥,因为这种方式不能剪接,也无法做后期处理,壹切就等于是现场演录,所以指挥需要具有果决而敏锐的个性。为保持现场100%的动态再生,本专辑采用玻璃母版直刻工艺,其DHM96 Stands直刻系统为杜绝交流电的干扰,是采用电池供电,以保证Mastering过程中的绝对纯净。特异独行的录音师布莱尼西·阿特曼 (Breinich Altmann) 对于音乐性追求始终如壹,他不仅有最好的硬件器材,也自己找寻艺人,录制出精致而大量的唱片。此专辑由他亲手操刀,发烧至极,从头到尾都维持著壹流的音响效果,让所有的乐器起来都是那麽地真实,壹整片的音乐在任何系统中听来都非常过瘾,令人心醉驰迷,钢琴手演奏时手指与琴键的触感以及琴弦的张力,也有如真般的质地。结像立体.氛围浓郁.色彩极其丰富,起伏转折处也是活灵活现。 The music in this album is arranged from classic into jazz, with excellent performance and production, so that the immortal classic pieces worshiped in the music palace become charming again.
Rudi Moosmeier is an excellent conductor. As the live recording can’t be cut and do post production, so the conductor should be decisive and sensitive. To remain the 100% dynamics, this album is used glass master direct cutting process. To avoid the disturbing of alternating current, the DHM96 direct cutting system was powered by batteries, so that the mastering is absolute pured.
The recording engineer Breinich Altmann keeps on his pursuit to music. He has the best equipment, and searches for excellent artists by himself to produce a great deal of fine recorders. This album, made by Altmann, holds on top ranking acoustics effects from the beginning to the end. Everything is natural and attractive, such as the tension of string, the tactility from fingers and keyboards of piano performers, charming atmosphere, colorful sounds and vivid wave and turning…  专辑曲目 01. 土耳其进行曲 作曲:莫扎特 4:10
Turkish March Composer: Mozart
02. 交响曲40号,第一乐章 作曲:莫扎特 4:12
Symphony No.40 K.550 Composer: Mozart
03. 梦幻曲 作曲:R•舒曼 4:33
Tramerei Composer: R. Schumann
04. 乘著歌声的翅膀 作曲:F•孟德尔松 3:55
Auf Flügeln Des Gesanges Composer: F. Mendelssohn
05. 匈牙利舞曲第五号 作曲:J•勃拉姆斯 4:46
Ungarische Tazn No.5 Composer: J. Brahms
06. G弦上的咏叹调 作曲:巴赫 4:20
Air On The G String Composer: Bach
07. 幽默曲 作曲:德沃夏克 3:31
Humoreska Composer: Dvorak
08. 爱的欢乐 作曲:F•克莱斯勒 4:55
Liebesfreud Composer: F. Kreisler
09. 母亲教我的歌 选自《吉普赛歌集》 作曲:F•孟德尔松 4:55
Als Die Alte Mutter Noch Lehrte Singen From Zigeuner Melodien Composer: F. Mendelssohn
10. E小调小提琴协奏曲(作品64号) 第一乐章 作曲:F•孟德尔松 4:10
Konzert Für Violin Und Orchester, Op. 64, 1St Mov. Composer: F. Mendelssohn
11. 鱒鱼 作曲:F•舒伯特 4:26
Die Forelle Composer: F. Schubert
12. 颂赞的祈祷 作曲:F•舒伯特 4:47
Ave Maria Composer: F. Schubert
13. G大调小步舞曲 作曲:巴赫 3:50
Menuette in G Major Composer: Bach
14. 间奏曲 选自《卡门组曲1号》 作曲:G•比才 5:44
Intermezzo From Carmen Suite No.1 Composer: G. Bizet



这是张极致立体声录音的小夜曲专辑,名家的演绎,发烧的录音,曲调悠扬的古典乐,满足您最严苛的标准。首首严选精彩之作,在此献给每壹双不轻易妥协的耳朵,感谢我们都是美乐的偏执狂。希望这不只是您耳裏稀罕的录音,更是您梦寐以求理想的"夜莺"。现在,您准备好与音符壹同晕眩了吗?If you aren’t captious to the quality of acoustics, you will be possibly lost a lot details of sound, including the human made sound effect in the recording or the natural effect. The anamorphic music will absolutely bother you a lot. If it is because of the recoding engineer, the record itself is a bad one. If it is because of your poor acoustics system, it’s a great pity.
A pair of non-compromised ears? A set of professional top ranking acoustics systems? A passionate heart of abundant experiences of music? If your bear one of above, congratulations!
This is an album of serenade with famous artists’ performance, hi-end recording, beautiful classic, which all satisfy your most strict standards. Every music is chosen carefully, dedicated to every non-compromised ear. Fortunately, we are all music paranoea. I hope it is not only the rare recoding in your ear, but your idea nightingale in your dream. Now, are you ready to faint with the music. 专辑曲目 01. G大调弦乐小夜曲 K.525 第一乐章快板 作曲:莫扎特 5:37
Serenade in G Major, K.525 1st Movement: Allegro Composer: Mozart
02. 小夜曲 作曲:舒伯特 4:10
Serenade Composer: Schubert
03. 爱的喜悦 作曲:克莱斯勒 3:34
Liebesfreud Composer: Kreisler
04. 升C小调钢琴奏鸣曲《月光》第二乐章 作曲:贝多芬 6:07
Piano Sonata No.14 in C Sharp Minor Op.27 No.2
05. 绿树成荫 选自《塞尔斯》 作曲:亨德尔 3:12
Ombra Mai Fu From Serse Composer: Handel
06. 幽默曲 作曲:德沃夏克 3:32
Humoresque Composer: Dvorak
07. 六月—船歌   选自钢琴套曲《四季》 作曲:柴可夫斯基 5 5:22
June—Barcarolle Op.37 No.6 From Tchaikovsky: The Seasons, Piano Suite Composer: Tchaikovsky
08. 离别曲 作曲:萧邦 4:36
Tristezze (chanson de l'adieu) Composer: Chopin
09. 妈妈教我的歌 作曲:德沃夏克 2:54
Songs My Mother Taught Me Op.55-4 Composer: Dvorak
10. 夜曲 4:38
11. 索尔维格之歌 作曲:格里格 6:03
La Canción de Solveig Composer: Edvard Grieg
12. 歌唱祖国 作曲:鲍罗丁 3:58
Song of Our Homeland Composer:Borodin



极致美声,与您分享,不管是爵士乐.民谣.美声,或是纯净之声.我们都坚持呈现最好的声音和最好的录音,绝对不辜负您的耳朵。我们集音乐之大成,从上千首的歌曲中挑选做成这个发烧人声的精选专辑,真是项艰巨的工作,可以称得上是极致美声的[希望工程],壹项最美丽的音乐工程。生命般的轻松歌唱,展现出特殊的音色变化与美感,原因无他,录音效果实在太惊人了。光是那种活灵活现的形体感就少有其它录音能与之匹敌,仿佛让人直接感受到演唱时嘴唇那种迷人的逼真质感,绵长的伴奏旋律还有空间中激起的残音等等,都是人声录音的最高水平。当然,除了主唱外,伴奏编制不大的乐团均分布在整个音场中,宽度到达左右两端极致。 We enjoy the supreme stereo sound with you. They are jazz, folk songs, and pure voice. We chose the best sound and recording to satisfy your captious ears. To make this album, we chose best songs from thousands of songs to produce this hi-end album, which is absolute a hard work, and can be called the Hope Project of beautiful sound, the best music project.
The singing of life presents special change of timber and beauty. There is no other reason except the surprising recording. Only the vivid sense of form is incomparable, making the listeners feel the charm of lips of singers. In addition, long gentle accompaniment music and echo in the air have achieved the peak of recording. Of course, the accompanied bands distribute in the whole sound field besides the singers. 专辑曲目 01. 圣母玛利亚 合唱 4:26
Madona Choral
02. 美女与野兽 演唱:苏珊•奥斯本 3:35
Beauty And The Beast Vocal: Susan Osborn
03. 更远 演唱:兰迪•特拉维斯 3:48
Farther Along Vocals: Randy Travis
04. 精彩世界 演唱:伊娃•卡斯蒂 5:12
What A Wonderful World Vocal: Eva Cassidy
05. 星尘 演唱:纳京高 3:26
Stardust Vocal: Nat King Cole
06. 我和我的心 演唱:夏洛特•兰普林 3:07
My Heart And I Vocal: Charlotte Rampling
07. 海枯石烂 演唱:当•威廉姆斯 3:30
Till The Rivers All Run Dry Vocal: Don Williams
08. 如此美好 演唱:斯特西•肯特 / 吉姆•汤姆林森 4:43
So Nice Vocal: Stacey Kent & Jim Tomlinson
09. 爱尔兰的微笑 演唱:罗杰•惠特克 2:46
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling Vocal: Roger Whittaker
10. 地心引力 演唱:爱丽森•克劳斯与联合车站 3:48
Gravity Vocal: Alison Krauss & Union Station
11. 如果 演唱:玛里安娜•蕾布拉西 2:41
If Vocal: Marianna Leporace
12. 你今晚的样子 演唱:提姆•玉城 3:17
The Way You Look Tonight Vocals: Tim Tamashiro
13. 祝你圣诞快乐 演唱:李•安•沃玛克 4:39
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Vocal: Lee Ann Womack
14. 依玛女孩 演唱:V•D•莫拉埃斯 5:32
The Girl From Ipanema Singer: V.D. Moraes
15. 奔放的旋律 演唱:歌剧男主角 4:00
Unchained Melody Vocals: IL Divo



如前五声张转壹样,专辑收录仍是脍炙人口的大师作品,首曲巴赫的管风琴音乐 管风琴音乐壹向是高段音响迷的最爱,因为其低频可以轻易延伸至30Hz以下,而管风琴大多位于残响特别长的教堂或是音乐厅中,因此可以营造出极佳的音响效果.在这裏,音乐大师的这个曲子由非常棒的CD直刻指挥师葛济夫指挥.CD直刻指挥难度极大,因为这种方式不能剪接,也无法做后制处理,壹切就等于是现场演录,所以指挥需要具有果决而敏锐的个性.葛济夫常被团员笑为"鹰眼指挥"正是因为在指挥台上目光锐利,行为果断…… I have great interest in photograph for a long time. Photograph, like recording realizes the function of record. The disposal of photo is more important than pressing the button. Photograph combines sense and sensibility, which is the same as recording and music. Composers follow to some rational rules in the way of expressing emotion in their music, such as contraposition in Bach’s music, precise structures in Beethoven’s music…
Recording needs extensive knowledge, including acoustics, electrics, computer, drama, music, etc. The sound collected by microphone is only the beginning. The following progress of mixing and mastering need to master the quality of sounds collected by the microphone, considering the requirements of the producer, which examine recorder’s attainment in art, philosophy and music. The final process, master postproduction asks for engineer’s strong ability to checking sounds, as he needs to make the final exam to the record to guarantee the records perform well in any recorders and environments. Also he needs to make the noise almost disappear and add colors and definition lost in the process of mixing and cutting to guarantee the integrality of sound. Such work needs a engineer who is not only know recording and mixing, but bear captious listening acuity and excellent conception to professional equipment system except operation. Stereo sounds deliver the sense of three dimensions in recoding space and sense of entity. At present, multi-channel surrounding is popular in the world. But only the stereo can reflect the structure of perspective correctly. So two-channel stereo can’t be substituted.
I have cooperated with ABC (Int’l) Records for several times. We always talk about what is the best recording. Instruments are easy to sound, but difficulty to make beautiful sounds. From the angle of engineer, the production of records is as difficult as playing instruments. How to make the sound of every instrument and space clear in the record? Every musical element has its position in acoustics space. Also the balance of frequency should be considered.
Supreme Stereo Sound series has been in my mind for a long time. I plan to express my definition of fine record to the Asian audiophiles through the five records. The songs I chose are mainly classic music I familiar with, dynamic orchestra symphony, refreshing singing, elegant serenade, and jazz arranged from classic music.
Jacques Maritain wrote in Moral Philosophy, “Human sense consists of fragrance and happiness.” I hope to prove it by means of the series. 专辑曲目 01. BWV.565 Toccata
D小调托卡塔与赋格 作曲:巴赫 3:10
02. Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture
序曲 选自《鲁斯兰与柳德米拉》 作曲:格林卡 4:39
03. Dance of the Tumblers
杂耍者之舞 选自歌剧《雪娘》 作曲:林姆斯基-科萨柯夫 3:46
04. Gnomus
侏儒 选自《图画展览会》 作曲:穆索尔斯基 2:33
05. Symphony No.40,Mvt.3
第四十号交响曲第三乐章 作曲:莫扎特 3:55
06. List of Insttruments:Orchestral Music No.1
管弦乐乐器博览:《协奏曲一号》 选自《发烧测试音响》 8:06
07. Flight of the Bumble Bee
野蜂飞舞 作曲:林姆斯基--科萨柯夫 1:27
08. 4 Allegro con fuoco
如火的快版 选自《E小调第九交响曲》 作曲:安东尼 德沃夏克 9:33
09. Vltava
伏尔塔瓦河 选自《我的祖国》 作曲:斯美塔那 3:56
10. Colas Breugnon,Op.24:Overture
柯拉.布勒伊农序曲 作曲:德米特里.卡巴烈夫斯基 4:44
11. A night on Bald Mountain,excerpt
荒山之夜选段 作曲:穆索尔斯基
12. Aria on the G String
G弦上的咏叹调 选自D大调管弦乐组曲 作曲:巴赫 6:01
13. Marche Slave
斯拉夫进行曲 作曲:柴可夫斯基 2:24
14. Sabre Dance
马刀舞曲 选自《加雅涅》 作曲:哈恰图良 2:15
15. Orpheus in the Underworld,excerpt
地狱中的奥菲欧选段 作曲:奥芬巴赫 2:11
16. Non-stop Fast Polka
无穷动快速波尔卡 作曲:爱德华.斯特劳斯 2:25 极致立体声七号:金唇



你说,人生最苦的不是生离死别,是漠不关心,是爱不存在。我说,那是因为爱太伤人,一旦受其之苦,便不知需花多少时间精神调养。你说,裹足不前只会让人越来越疏离,越来越封闭,只会让爱越走越远。我说,我怕得不到爱,怕爱不存在,怕爱不对,怕爱失去,怕爱变调,更怕再为爱受伤。你说,越期待,并不会越受伤害。只要别再心存惧怕,敞开胸怀,畅钦一杯,就放大胆爱吧!爱将驱走心中恐惧,再度温暖降临!这是一张纯粹是心与心真诚对谈的专辑。透过女声连结心与心最真诚的距离,为人们呈现最真实的原音,表现最诚挚的感情。集结十四首描写亲情、爱情、友情之经典曲目,让我们在享受低沉的歌声之余,也聆听到身旁的人们在面临抉择时的心灵撞击。每首曲子都是一段爱的故事,值得您细细体会……这张精选的发烧女声里包括了民谣、流行、蓝调、爵士风格, 都是必收藏的上上之选。不仅在编曲方面下足了苦心,引以为傲的演唱技巧更是多姿多彩,精致细腻的声线、搭配有如银丝般柔顺的提琴衬托,一篇篇嫣美如画的诗篇,音效超群不二考虑的专辑,教人怎能不为之动容? You say, the most miserable thing in this world is not parting for ever, but indifferent heart without love. I say, it’s because love is heartbreaking. It takes such a long time to recover. You say, the more you are afraid, the more you feel isolated, and the further you are away from true love. I say, I’m worrying about being deprived of love, absent from love, getting involved in improper love, tasting the decaying love, and what’s more, being hurt again by love. You say, a love-expecting heart won’t be hurt be love. Dispel the fear, and open your heart, be brave to love and be loved! Only love can drive away the worry and despair in your heart, and bring back warmness.
With pure heart-to-heart dialogue, this album shortens the distance between the most sincere hearts, presents people the most authentic voice and earnest emotion through female vocals of different styles. The 14 classical tracks in his album depicting the love between families, lovers and friends help listeners to experience heart compact of you yourselves and people around while enjoying the deep and charming voices. Each song a love story, all deserves your time to taste and feel deeply, and thoroughly.
As an album of hi-fi female vocals, it includes different styles ranging from folk, pop, blue and jazz, which are all of collection value. Apart from the delicate music and lyric composition, the colorful interpreting skills of each artist, the fine voice line, accompanied with gentle musical instruments, exhibits poetic pictures in front of your eyes. How can you just be there without any fluctuation in your hearts? 专辑曲目 01. 彩虹之上 演唱:艾米·芙吉塔 3:22
Over the Rainbow Vocal: Emi Fujita
02. 亡命之徒 演唱:珍·梦海 3:29
Desperado Vocal: Jane Monheit
03. 梦境 演唱:卡洛·迪德 4:29
When I Dream Vocal: Carol Kidd
04. 靠近妳 演唱:珍·弗莱·希维尔 5:00
The Nearness of You Vocal: Jane Frye Sidwell
05. ****最撩人 演唱:珍·梦海 6:49
Spring can Really Hang You Up the Most Vocal: Jane Monheit
06. 宝贝在忧伤 演唱:贾德丝 3:30
Maybe Your Baby’s Got the Blues Vocal: The Judds
Ain't No Sunshine Vocal:Eva Cassidy
08. 野花 演唱:谢蕊尔·科逻 3:35
Wildflower Vocal: Sheryl Crow
09. 我爱的人 演唱:爱丽森.莫耶 3:46
The Man I Love Vocal: Alison Moyet
10. 莫让我褐色眼睛蒙上忧伤 演唱:克莉斯朵·盖尔 2:41
Don’t it Make My Brown Eyes Blue Vocal: Crystal Gayle
11. 忘却 演唱:芭芭拉·史翠珊 3:46
Letting Go Vocal: Barbar Streisand
12. 满月 演唱:玛丽·布莱克 4:14
Full Moon Vocal:Mary Black
13. 经典蓝雨衣 演唱:琼·拜亚 4:38
Famous Blue Raincoat Vocal: Joan Baez
14. 愿妳幸福 演唱:珠米·玛苏塔 3:38
May You Have Happiness Vocal: Jzumi Masuda 极致立体声八号:厚嗓



一个精英的音乐制作团队,ABC唱片 +德国金耳朵录音工作室,中德两国音乐人携手合作的寻梦之旅“极致立体声”系列已走到第八集了,《厚嗓》专辑以宽广的音响动频,高保真的立体声原音,出色的音频编码序列完美再现了十七首浑厚深情、多位男声的歌声。
我是你的男人 十七首厚嗓动人的歌声一篇篇嫣美如画的诗篇,教人怎能不为之动容?
现在不妨靠在舒服的椅背上,闭上眼睛,调整你的气息,天籁般的声音将要伴你神游美声世界。  I’m Your Man. Seventeen Luscious Songs
From the late 50’s to nowadays, the supreme stereo aims at recurring the emotion and atmosphere of the recording locale. Ten years have passed but Golden Ear Studio has never lost their emotion on recording and is continuing to pursue the possibility of new recordings and replaying. They always insist the high quality standard. The utility of 16bit processing recurs the details of the CD master. It is an outstanding work which can not be preceded by any other company. This is the real high level of software which has both top-class acoustic effects and musical essence.
Everyone will be moved by the beautiful poems.
Now please lean on the chair, close your eyes, adapt to your breath and travel in the musical world. 专辑曲目
01. 那年很不错 演唱:福兰克?辛那曲 4:26
It Was A Very Good Year Vocal: Frank Sinatra
02. 四壁 演唱:威利?纳尔逊 4:11
Four Walls Vocal: Willie Nelson
03. 天赐恩典 演唱:兰迪?欧文 3:30
Amazing Grace Arr: Randy Owen
04. 在伊人梦中徘徊 演唱:高登?哈司可尔 2:44
Freeway To Her Dreams Vocal: Gordon Haskell
05. 祝自己圣诞快乐 演唱:詹姆士?泰勒 3:22 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Vocal: James Taylor
06. 大雨倾盆 演唱: Gotthard乐队 4:34
Let It Rain Vocal: Gotthard
07. 仅此壹次 演唱:詹姆士?英格拉姆 4:32
Just Once Vocal:James Ingram
08. 蓝月亮 演唱:美尔?托美 3:40
Blue Moon Vocal: Mel Torme
09. 疯狂 演唱:肯尼?逻杰斯 3:15
Crazy Vocal: Kenny Rogers
10. 妳微笑的背后 演唱:托尼?班尼特 4:31
The Shadow Of Your Smile Vocal: Tony Bennett
11. 这并不容易 演唱:威利?纳尔逊 3:51
It Won’t Be Easy Vocal: Willie Nelson
12. 美呆了 演唱:逻杰?惠塔克 2:58
Verdammt sch?n war das Vocal:Roger Whittaker
13. 放逐我 演唱:因格尔伯特?亨普迪克 3:17
Release Me Vocal: Engelbert Humperdinck
14. 美妙世界 演唱: 卢易斯?阿姆斯壮 2:15
What A Wonderful World Vocal: Louis Armstrong
15. 妳鼓舞了我 演唱:丹尼尔 奥?丹内尔 4:23
You Raise Me Up Vocal: Daniel O’Donnell
16. 坠入爱河 演唱:巴裏?玛尼禄 3:35
Can’t Help Falling In Love Vocal: Barry Manilow



当磁性醇厚的男声与柔情妩媚的女高音相遇,共同演绎首首情动心间的歌曲时,释放的是一份撼彻灵魂的动人情怀。这是"极致立体声九号.妳我",凝聚七十年代以来西欧最流行颂唱的情歌男女声对唱经典,给予人们真切的美好感受。专辑中的每首作品都堪称精品,旋律非常动听、和谐、抒情,极富欧美经典情歌的特点:调式变化丰富,歌曲意境亲切、自然,男女声对唱的情感交流亲密无间。录音定位相对其他同类作品录音相比,音场厚实、对人声频段捕捉反映敏感度极高,不是惯常的客→主(演唱者→麦克风) "被动"式的拾音,而是由录音师严谨的调控 "主动"式的拾音,事先与演唱者获得情感的共鸣,在音乐音响的声轨上采用精准的 "同期声"录音,两轨入一轨立体声导入录制。所以我们在听歌手演唱时有很真切的 "现场感",百分百的人声的原声真唱,这在录音工程学上的要求很高,不仅要求设备先进,录音师在合成时两轨声道之间对时的误差不能误于正负(±) 1秒,合成后要对数据还原、保持,让失真度降到最小,还要做到没有任何瑕疵,特别是 "人声"这样细腻、感性的“音源”,监听时要辨认得出情感与声音的“高点”,酝酿段和乐句间的气口、处理,对录音师的音乐修养是很大的挑战性的考验。可贵的是,以上所有的苛刻标准,《极致立体声九号》都完全做到了!特别是第11首《来自伊潘尼玛的女孩》,浪漫温柔的次中音萨克斯,标准纯正的西班牙语女声,变幻闪烁的双声道立体声环绕效果,听来别有一番异域风情!配合“德国制造”的高质量CD压片,这是一张技术与艺术完美结合的结晶、一张源自严谨与浪漫结合的发烧极品专辑! People in the 21st century can deeply feel the vicissitudes of the great change of the times. More or less, they may feel fantasy and hesitant. For love, they also have a feeling of diversification.
The true impression towards the modern world of the people has been included in CDs which provide men and women with the most dulcet love songs in the world. The fourteen beautiful songs, like fourteen poems, have described the familyship, love and friendship. Every song is a story which shows us the lovers’ spiritual confliction. The moving style and the beautiful voice make us melt in the music.
This album was recorded in the Golden Ear studio in Ludwigslust, Germany. It expresses the truest emotion in the truest voice. The dulcet voice and the plain performance are really the confidence of the heart to heart. 专辑曲目 01. 请不要忘记我 演唱:亚伦•纳维尔,琳达•朗丝黛 3:50
Please Remember Me Vocal: Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt
02. 当我坠入爱河 演唱:席琳.迪翁,克莱夫.格里芬 4:12
When I Fall In Love Vocal:Celine Dion & Clive Griffin
03. 忘不了 演唱:纳京•高,纳塔莉•高 3:28
Unforgettable Vocal: Nat King Cole & Natalie Cole
04. 无尽的爱 演唱:戴安娜•罗丝,莱昂纳尔•里奇 4:25
Endless Love Vocal: Diana Ross & Lionel Ritchie
05. 唯一的爱 演唱:威利•纳尔逊,凯米•罗得斯 4:02
Just One Love Vocal: Willie Nelson & Kimmie Rhodes
06. 最甜蜜的礼物 演唱:贾德母女合唱组 3:49
The Sweetest Gift Vocal: The Judds
07. 断桥 演唱:托比•凯斯,琳赛•霍恩 3:05
Broken Bridges Vocal: Toby Keith & Lindsey Haun
08. 摇滚年代 演唱:多莉•帕顿,瑞奇•凡•薛顿 3:24
Rockin` Years Vocal: Dolly Parton &Ricky Van Shelton
09. 我将永远爱你 演唱:多莉•帕顿,文斯•吉尔 3:15
I will Always Love You Vocal: Dolly Parton & Vince Gill
10. 你是我的奇迹 演唱:维托利奥•格里高洛,尼可•斯彻金格 4:12
You Are My Miracle Vocal: Vittorio Grigolo & Nicole Scherzinger
11. 来自伊潘尼玛的女孩 演唱:史坦•盖兹,乔安•吉巴托 5:22
The Girl From Ipanema Vocal: Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto
12. 亚历山卓的离开 演唱:莱昂纳德•科恩,莎伦•罗宾逊 5:20
Alexandra Leaving Vocal: Leonard Cohen & Sharon Robinson
13. 玫瑰人生 演唱:东尼•班尼特,K. D.莲 3:21
La Vie En Rose Vocal: Tony Bennett & K. D. Lang
14. 你我拥有今晚 演唱:罗南•基廷,珍妮特 3:36
We've Got Tonight Vocal: Ronan Keating & Jeanette 极致立体声十号:辉煌



这张管乐专辑,洋溢著幸福及美好的气氛,在上世纪,我们已经可以发现管乐器愈来愈受瞩目,在乐谱中佔有较以往更重要的敍事位置,管乐将会在二十壹世纪登上聚光灯的焦点。录音方面,由于採取双轨模拟录音,音质醇美,音色真实,是很值得收藏的壹张作品。管乐光辉壮阔的整体音色和气势向来为音响发烧友津津乐道,无论测试器材还是欣赏音乐,我们都能从流光溢彩的管乐声中感受到那乐声的嘹亮,低频的犀利和气势的惊人,管乐和谐与壮丽的声音,震撼著聆听者的心灵。本专集果然不负“极致立体声”的盛名,录音师深厚的功底和严谨的态度,将管乐的金属光泽完美的呈现在听者面前——小号的高贵优雅,又不乏直插云霄的穿透力;铜管的金属颤动感细致而又强烈,强弱音的对比和变化皆生动传神;圆号的温和.高雅.带有些许哀愁和诗意;长号的高傲.庄严和饱满,声音嘹亮而富有威力…… 当管乐合奏时,录音师准确的捕捉到了乐器声音的爬升.能量传递感强烈而自然,还有精细的动态变化,再生出丰富的音乐感。制作人为寻找最佳录音地点,花了相当的时间和精神。最后才在英格兰东南方肯特郡壹所已有近300年曆史的教堂中,找到心目中理想的地点,来录制这张专辑。这是管乐的盛宴,听觉的洗礼,又是对器材最无情的考验。妳,准备好了吗? "Acoustically wonderful recording"----The Scotman
"Extraordinary detail representation and magic performance"----The Gramophone
This album is full of happiness and beauty. As far back as last century, we discovered that the wind instrument gradually moved into people's sight and occupied a more important position in the music world. We firmly believe that orchestral music will be in the spotlight in the 21st century. Adopting double-track analog recording method, the sound is mellow and natural. This album is really a must to your collection list.
Audio fans have been taking delight in the brilliance and grandeur of orchestra music. Whether used for test or appreciation, we can feel its brilliance, clarity, and splendor. The harmonious and splendid orchestral music conquers every listener's heart. This album is actually worthy of the name of "supreme stereo sound". The recording engineers, with superb skills and rigid attitude, present to the largest extent the metal quality of orchestral music to the listener----the trumpet is graceful but with so strong a penetrating power as to penetrate into the sky; the brass's metallic vibration is delicate but also strong with dynamic contrast between and change between ictus and off beat; the French horn is warm, graceful, and tinged with little sorrow and poetry; the trombone is proud, royal, full, loud, powerful....When the performance began, the recording engineers accurately caught the up and down of the orchestral sound and reproduced the performance with strong and natural transfer of power and precise dynamic changes. The producer spent lots of time and energy on finding the best recording site. At last, he found the ideal recording site in his heart in a 300-year church in Kent, Scotland, and recorded this album.
This album is a festival banquet of orchestral music, a baptism of the ear, and a most severe test for the audio equip. Are you ready? 专辑曲目
01. 凡人鼓号乐 作曲:阿龙·科普兰 3:14
Fanfare for the Common Man Composer: Aaron Copland
02. 双鹰旗进行曲 作曲:瓦格纳 改编:朗弗德 4:01
Under the Double Eagle Composer: Wagner arr Langford
03. 扇子进行曲 作曲:阿尔弗雷多·加瓦洛兹 3:18
El Abanico Composer: Alfredo Javaloyes
04. 土耳其进行曲 作曲:莫札特 2:23
Rondoalla Turca Composer: Mozart
05. 大逃亡进行曲 作曲:埃尔默·伯恩斯坦 2:04
The Great Escape—March Composer: E Bernstein
06. 太阳和阴影 作曲:乔治·盖茨 4:11
Sol y Sombra Composer: George Gates
07. 桂河大桥—博基上校进行曲 作曲:K 奥尔福德 3:14
Bridge Over the River Kwai—Colonel Bogey Composer: K Alford
08. 小夜曲 作曲:布林基西斯 2:40
Serenade Composer: Bourgesis
09. 七十六支长号 作曲:梅裏迪斯·威尔逊 2:08
Seventy Six Trombones Composer: Meredith Willson
10. 复活 改编(自传统音乐):朗弗德 2:32
Dem Bones Trad arr Langford
11. 巡逻兵进行曲 作曲:F W 米查姆 3:13
An American Patrol Composer: F W Meacham
12. 西班牙万岁 作曲:卡尔兹/罗珍斯特拉顿 2:39
Y Viva Espana Composer: Caerts/Rozenstraten
13. 拉德斯基进行曲 作曲:约翰·施特劳斯 3:16
Radetsky March Composer: Johann Strauss
14. 伊莉莎白小夜曲 作曲:罗奈尔得·宾吉 2:55
Elizabethan Serenade Composer: Ronald Binge
15. 马刀舞曲 选自:《加雅涅》 作曲:哈恰图良 2:34
Sabre Dance from “Gayaneh” Composer: Aram Khachaturian
16. 春--快板 选自《四季》 作曲:维瓦第 3:36
I—Allegro (Spring) From The Four Seasons Composer: Vivaldi
17. 第二交响曲—小俄罗斯 作曲:柴可夫斯基 改编:哈格裏夫斯 5:48
Symphony No.2-The Little Russian Tchaikovsky arr Hargreaves
18. 詹姆斯·邦组曲 作曲:J 巴厘/M 诺曼 6:11
James Bond—Medley Composer: J Barry/M Norman
19. 曼波 选自《西城故事》 作曲:雷昂纳德?伯恩斯坦 改编:艾瑞克?克裏斯 2:10
Mambo From West Side Story Composer: Leonard Bernstein Arr.: Eric Cre  




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