跨界精品 Miriam Stockley - Eternal 永恒 (2006) - FLAC
专辑名称: Eternal
专辑艺人: Miriam Stockley
音乐风格: New Age,Electronic,Classical Crossover
音乐厂牌: Tula Records
发行时间: 2006
发行地区: UK 英国
资源品质: FLAC
播放时间: 55' 32 min
英国著名跨界歌手 Miriam Stockley 原南非著名歌手,后移居英国发展,
卡尔·詹金斯的“阿迪玛斯”《圣殿之歌》,就是 Miriam Stockley 领衔主唱 ~
Miriam Stockley (born 15 April 1962) is a South African-born British singer. She was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and her work is influenced by the African music in her home country. Her unique vocalese style gained international acclaim when Karl Jenkins' launched the Adiemus project with "Songs of Sanctuary", featuring Stockley as the lead vocal.
Miriam Stockley is the greatest singer of the world, on my opinion. Her beautiful voice is an unusual God's gift. More precisely, she has a variety of voices of various timbres, and all of them are stunning. When listening to her songs one by one, it is impossible to believe that the same person performs all this variety of musical parts.
It should be added that she is a musical arranger of genius; all songs on her disks are arranged by her as a rule. She creates her own music also. She sings all kinds of music: classics, jazz, rock, African folk songs. The "Eternal" CD contains mostly classics arranged by M.Stockley.
This disk is one of her three solo albums ("Miriam", "Second nature", "Eternal"). On my opinion, "Eternal" is the most amazing of them.
It should be mentioned also that the majority of Karl Jenkins's "Adiemus" music uses Miriam Stockley's leading vocal part as a basis; so, try "Adiemus" for listening more of her magic voice.
01. Alla Notte - Adagio
02. Hem Na Nkosi Bo - Rondeau
03. Pace Al Cuore - Prelude
04. Choro Finito - Sarabande
05. The Star of County Down
06. Se La Luna Fosse Donna - Moonlight Sonata
07. Fantasy - Sicut Cervus
08. Adiemus
09. Ngana Ka Lona - Bourée
10. Un Ricordo - Je Crois Entendre Encore
11. Nocturne
12. Luce e Speranza - Bridal Chorus
13. Prelude #2
14. Quanta Vita - Nimrod
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