音乐的SPA 漫步在云端 一派的轻盈与舒畅
放 松 身 心的全新选择
这张专辑像奇妙的温泉一般,这样的音乐能放松你的身体和灵魂。过去擅长创作中国乐曲的作曲家康乔,这次在乐曲中使用大量的西方弦乐团以营造如云雾般升腾的氛围;长笛、小提琴、双簧管的音色,就像是云彩多变的色彩、形状一样令人屏息以待。 除了邀集优秀的乐手之外,还请来在大陆内地富有盛名的和声团体-“黑鸭子伴唱组合”为本专辑献声。
When you are
tried, of labors
on earth,
you need take a walk on the clouds, This New Age album is a celestial spa, especially designed for the relaxation of your body and soul. Producer Kang Qiao adopts the music of string instruments to create a delicate and emotion-healing atmosphere. With modern innovations, instruments like the flute, violin and oboe all give brand new sounds, just as the cloud will surprise you by their ever-changing shapes and colors moment by moment.
01. 我看见曙光 I Saw the Light of Dawn
02. 漫步在云端 Walking on the Clouds
03. 云之泪 Tears of Clouds
04. 向晚的味道 A Taste of an Evening
05. 云舞 Wings of the Clouds
06. 暖冬 A Warm Winter
07. 刹那 Flash of Light
08. 漂浮 Floating
09. 晴空 A Day without Clouds
10. 听云 Ride Like the Clouds