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Angelight - The Healing Power Of Music (2000) [3CD]
| FLAC+CUE | 1.02GB | New Age/Healing/Natural Sound/Instrumental | Russia |
Angelight is the pen name of a young Russian composer who was the founder of transformational change in the direction of music. His musical history began long before he released any musical works. He began a spiritual quest and achieved insight and the ability of clairvoyance. Soon after he discovered that he was able to cure people. During this time Angelight was enthusiastic of spirituality and psychology, and visited various scientific psychological seminars. At one of the the seminars, he presented his first music work, which opened a new page in the history of Russian music.
After this Angelight worked on 10 successive albums aimed at helping and improving mankind. Gradually, Angelight approached a new stage in his creativity. The result of this became the music series, "the appearance on light" with "Music From the World of Karlos Kastaneda" and "Gallery of Energy".
After this, Angelight wrote many articles about the technology of his transformational approach in writing music and began work on a whole new series of albums: "The Cured Powers of Music". His music is performed in concerts, through different auditoriums attended by children and retirees alike, Angelight is buoyed by the striking results that his music achieves.
Listening to his music, people become eager, sound and sure of themselves. Gradually, from different ends of Russia, come rave reviews about Angelight, his music and influence. His use of music in helping people has appeared in information to be used by teachers and doctors. Never resting, Angelight continues to sharpen his skill, and delve deeper into the secrets and mysteries of rhythms and melodies on an individual's consciousness.
Angelight - Song Surf - Magic Forest
(Волшебный Лес / Песня Прибоя)
1-Surf Song
2-Depth Of The Soul
3-On The Crest Of A Wave
4-Enchanted Forest
5-Symphony Morning
6-Fairy Tale Forest
Angelight - Water of Life - Lake of Desires
(Озеро Желаний / Живая Вода)
01-Flowing Stream (10:57)
02-Living Water (8:59)
03-Beyond the Threshold (3:03)
04-Water Movement (7:03)
05-Lake Desires (9:56)
06-Or May Not Be (8:23)
07-So As You Want (10:49)
Angelight - Warm Of The Rain - The Sky Voice
(Тепло Дождя / Голос Неба)
1-Bystree Vetra | Быстрее Ветра
2-Dozhd' Mne Rasskazal | Дождь Мне Рассказал
3-Primi Ego Teplo | Прими Его Тепло
4-Warm Of The Rain | Тепло Дождя
5-Est' I Budet | Есть И Будет
6-Nebo I Zemlja | Небо И Земля
7-The Sky Voice | Голос Неба
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