
Sigur Ros - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum
Endalaust (320kbps)
中文名称:Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
资源类型:MP3 | 发行时间:2008年
专辑歌手:Sigur Ros | 地区:其他
语言:英语,其他 | 压缩码率:320Kbps
专辑风格:Alternative Rock,Indie
继去年发行的现场唱片《Hvarf/Heim》之后,近年来全球人气急升的冰岛乐队Sigur Ros(听歌)又将在6月底推出乐队的第五张全新录音室专辑《Med Sud i Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust》(with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly)。封面大打全裸牌,MV男女主角也以全裸出镜,令人乍舌。
Sigur Ros的这张新专辑由著名的制作人Flood掌舵,分别在纽约、伦敦、冰岛首都雷克雅未克以及古巴的哈瓦那录制。跟之前的专辑不一样,在这张专辑中,Sigur Ros更多地尝试了不插电的风格,所以,听起来比之前更简洁更欢快。对此,乐队表示,这张专辑的灵感源自为乐队的纪录片《Heima》演奏的不插电音乐,而乐队也想尝试用一种更轻松的方式来创作。比曲风的变化更令人感兴趣的是这张专辑的封面和首支单曲《Gobbledigook》的MV,全裸的手法跟返璞归真的曲风相辅相成,构思之大胆为歌迷津津乐道。不过,大概是因为对自己的身材没自信,乐队并没有亲自上阵。
作为冰岛最有名的摇滚乐队,Sigur Ros以其云雾缭绕、伤如骨髓的把吉他当小提琴拉的后摇滚(Post-Rock)作品深获乐迷喜爱。他们的2005年的专辑《Takk》不但全球销量一片红,更获得麦当娜(听歌)的青睐,麦当娜曾公开表示Sigur Ros是自己最喜欢的摇滚乐队。
Inspired by the unfettered feeling of the acoustic performances filmed during Heima, Sigur Ros adopted a looser approach in creating their fifth album Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust. The album consequently is fresher and more human than anything they've previously recorded.
Rough edges, cracked notes, and the sound of fingers on strings are audible resulting in tracks (e.g. Illgresi ) that prove to be the band's sparsest and most affecting work to date. Worry not though, plenty of electric guitar can be heard throughout the album ensuring Sigur Ros commitment to challenging sonic limitations. Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust is truly a groundbreaking album for Sigur Ros. It‘s the first time they ve attempted to write, record, mix, release and support (by touring) an album in the same year. Notoriously known for their laborious writing/recording style and their Icelandic roots, Sigur Ros decided to record an album outside of Iceland for the first time. Recording, mixing and mastering sessions took place in such un-Reykjavik cities as New York (Sear Sound and Sterling Sound), London (Abbey Road and Assault & Battery) and Havana. The result is pretty much their leave home album, the anti-Heima.
The opening track, Gobbledigook, is a manifesto setter with its shifting/no time signature. On the last track, All Alright, Sigur Ros find themselves singing a song solely in English for the first time. The seventh track, Ara Batur, was performed with a full orchestra and the London Oratory Boys Choir. This was recorded in one take with no overdubs and the result was 90 people playing at once and just one perfect take. This is their first album working with Flood (U2, Depeche Mode, PJ Harvey) and the first since their debut to not be recorded with Ken Thomas. It was a true co-production, one that found Sigur Ros breaking out of old molds/habits.
The cover artwork is a photo taken from a flyer for Ryan McGinley s most recent photo exhibition in NYC, I Know Where the Summer Goes, and the image captures perfectly the spirit of the album, one of free-spirited happiness and exploration. The band will be touring the US throughout the fall of 2008 to support Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust.
专 辑 曲 目
01. Gobbledigook
02. Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur
03. Gooan Daginn
04. Vio Spilum Endalaust
05. Festival
06. Meo Suo I Eyrum
07.Ara Batur
08. Illgresi
11.All Alright
http://"https://tv.mofile.com/cn/xplayer.swf06. Meo Suo I Eyrum
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