
Flash: https://vlog.17173.com/17173mp3player.swf?Filehost=ra4.vlog.17173.com&Flvid=1213352&Username=553163&Datetime=20100405
试听:01 Keiretsu vs Soliptic - Ripples (Imprint Of Creation Mix)
01 :: Keiretsu vs Soliptic - Ripples (Imprint Of Creation Mix) (11:46)
02 :: Jikkenteki - Slippery Slopes (9:11)
03 :: Zekazy - Unicorn (7:12)
04 :: Phi - In The… (6:44)
05 :: Zekazy - Broadcast (6:30)
06 :: Jikkenteki - Modori Odori (9:23)
07 :: PAR-2 - It Is (What Isn’t) (12:50)
08 :: Anjin - Nesta's Soft Escape (9:56)
Originally released in 2005, A Walk Through Neptune’s Garden is the debut release from PAR-2 Productions, an independent label founded by Jikkenteki and Katapult. Defying conventional standards, this thematic compilation explores the concept of water in all its forms:
Water is an ever moving, ever changing force of nature. From calm cool pools and flowing rivers to raging storms and massive floods, water is many ways nature’s equivalent to human emotion. It sustains us and gives us life. It can calm us and lull us to deep meditative states. It can also assault us with an aggressive onslaught that can be both amazing and terrifying. For this reason it serves has an ideal theme for linking the music on this compilation. Rather than dwelling on any one particular “style” of psychedelic music, we have tried to create a fluid sonic journey through the whole range of emotional content that psychedelic trance has to offer.
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