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Con Todo Mi Corazon

在VC上没有搜索到曾经有发布过的Anais专辑,google上也没有==!这张专辑是我偶然在VC上看见的,发布者朴质的推荐词促使我下了它。本来没打算现在发的,但听了里面的歌就忍不住了,喜欢西班牙语的朋友不要错过^o^下面有一段英文介绍:This is even better then her first CD. Her first album was too experimental and although most of the songs were good, it didn't fit together as one single project and felt more like a mix CD. This album however is great! Anais has really outdone herself, and since most of the songs here are ballads, you can really hear her vocal talent more on this album. "Reencuentro" It's is a great duet. and "Vivir" is a great dance track. almost all the other songs are ballads, which is where Anais shines the best.
专辑曲目 Tu Amor No Es GarantíaSolo MioQuiero Amanecer Con Alguien(试听)NecesidadMi Amor por TiFue un PlacerRencuentro Duo Milly Quezada YVivirSexy MamaTu Amor No Es Garantia A Duo CRencuentro Version Merengue Co
注:所有资料均来自互联网,请勿做商业用途 [ 本帖最后由 karry_utada 于 2007-8-25 18:39 编辑 ] |