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Elodie Frègè

Elodie,作为第三届Star Academy和WorldBest的Winner,她的处女大碟包含了三首她自己写的歌:"Je te dis non""Pardon""Pourtant"在这张专辑中,她充分运用了她嗓子的特点及演唱技巧来诠释歌词中所传达的意思。
这张专辑可以与Celine Dion,Shania Twain,Dido等其他美国著名歌手相媲美。Elodie, winner of the third edition of Star Academy and WorldBest (opposed the laureates from all over the countries in the world), debuts her first album with 3 of her own compositions: "Je te dis non"(I say NO to you), "Pardon" (Sorry), Pourtant (However...). With a variety of beats, the singer allows to demonstrate different techniques used in her tonality of her voice. With melancholy lyrics,the album is one of the most "Mature" ones ever released by one of the Laureates of the previous French Star Academy's (Nolwenn Leroy and Jenifer)and can be compared to Celine Dion , Shania Twain, Dido and other big USA voices. Many will be able to relate to Elodie Frege's album due to the writing of the songs that express painful and heartbreaking passed experiences with "love".
专辑曲目 De l'eauFaire semblant Viens jusqu'à moi Moins de toi On se retrouvera Je te dis non Sans en avoir l'air PardonQuand il me manque Je sais si peuPourtantJe N'ai Pas De Remords
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