
专辑名称:催眠曲 Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby
艺 术 家:Chuck Wild [Liquid Mind]
唱片公司:Real Music
中文名称:液体心灵 / :摇篮曲
发行公司:real music
音乐风格:New age

自1994年发行第一张液态思想(Liquid Mind)系列养心轻音乐Ambience Minimus以来,Liquid Mind专辑大受欢迎,更多的人接收音乐治疗,因为它的效果真的让人得到意想不到的效果,而且它对个人长寿有着不可忽视的价值,现推出Liquid Mind第九集Lullaby(催眠曲、摇篮曲),听着悠扬飘渺的音乐气息,把烦忧,紧张,惧怕……一系列阻碍你睡眠的因素渐渐消除,舒缓你的情绪,让你毫不知觉便能入睡,正如那酣睡的婴孩。
自从1994年Liquid Mind(液体心灵)系列第一张发行以来,得到了广大乐谜的宠爱。2009年3月3日,real music公司发行了它的第九张专辑Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby(液体心灵 9 :摇篮曲)。故名思意,正如专辑封面,这张专辑就是用来播放给儿童欣赏,给予安静的睡眠,也就是睡眠曲。如果你失眠,不妨也试试听这张专辑吧,也许会像那酣睡的婴孩,不知不觉中进入了梦香。
Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby" is slow music at its best . . . soothing, melodic, heartfelt, and comforting, this new album from Liquid Mind? composer Chuck Wild continues a fifteen year tradition of deeply calming music for relaxation.
Appealing to the softer side of the musical spectrum, "Liquid Mind IX: Lullaby" is filled with gentle extended soundscapes that create a welcome relief to those of us searching for a break from our high stress, high energy world. Liquid Mind's albums have for many years been popular with music therapists and other healthcare practitioners, and are frequently used in massage, anxiety management, meditation, sleep therapy, surgical recovery, Yoga, Reiki, Pilates, maternity and many other healing settings.
While we think of lullabies as being primarily for children, you will find these peaceful compositions are perfect for both grownups and kids.----realmusic.com

01 Whisper to Me
02 Letting Go
03 Into the Light
04 We Hold Peace in Our Hands
05 My Quiet Spirit
06 Mountain Lullaby
试听/01 Whisper to Me
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