
专辑英文名: Love and Peace
专辑中文名: 爱与和平
艺术家: Lisa Lynne & George Tortorelli
音乐格式: APE/CUE
发行时间: 2007年08月04日
地区: 德国
音乐风格:New Age, Celtic Fusion, Meditative
唱片公司:New Earth Records
唱片编号:NE 2602

凯尔特竖琴与竹笛的合奏 这是世界上两种最古老也是最动人心弦的乐器
凯尔特竖琴类别顶级演奏者Lisa Lynne及其长期合作者George Tortorelli(风琴、风笛和打击乐器演奏名家)真情演绎
著名新世纪音乐公司New Earth Records出版发行的两位顶级艺术家携手合作的精品大碟“Love and Peace”
用著名制作人Brian Eno的观点来说,她的竖琴音乐是令人沉迷而陶醉的,而且也总能很好地和环境融洽在一起
竖琴女王丽莎·琳(Lisa Lynne)可说是世界民族音乐类别里的翘首和先驱者之一。人们用各种各样的角度去评价她,赞赏她,而无论从哪个角度而言,她都是首屈一指的。最为人们所熟知的是,她是国际上凯尔特竖琴类别里最顶级的演奏者,她不单单演奏她自己所谱写的竖琴曲,同时还演奏古老的爱尔兰部落民间音乐。 被称为竖琴女王的德国才女丽莎·琳是一位资深音乐人和演奏者,她的以凯尔特竖琴为主奏的原创器乐专辑已售出愈百万张,在新世纪和凯尔特音乐领域都享有盛誉。她自幼无师自通,学会演奏多种乐器,她最终钟情于凯尔特竖琴,在过去的十八年里她一直热切追寻着优美的琴音。
在与久负盛名的Windham Hill和NewEarth Record厂牌签约后,她同时推出自己的厂牌:Lavender SkyMusic。她近期发行的四张专辑全都在凯尔特、新世纪和世界音乐电台播放排行榜上雄踞高位,并跻身Billboard音乐排行榜的前二十名。丽莎终年巡游在外,在美国的各式音乐节和Windham Hill Winter Solstice 的音乐会上演出。有人评价她的音乐是让人近距离接触上帝的桥梁,她的音乐是最适合都市人的竖琴甜梦,娴熟的竖琴技法,加上清新的竹笛,时而出现的敲击乐,让你不醉也难。(介绍出处为百度百科,略有调整)
Love Peace is a set of 12 romantic serenades from Lisa Lynne Franco (Celtic harp) and George Tortorelli (bamboo flute). Franco's style has never been more graceful. It is unlikely that this duo intended to create this kind of healing music. "We hope this music brings...love and peace." That appears to be the purpose - simple, elegant, and soulful relaxation. They have, however, created a holistic meditation soundscape that ranks with anything from Klaus Wiese, Dean Evenson, Deborah Van Dyke, and Riley Lee. The styles are completely different, but the effect is identical. This is essential acoustic ambience... -- Jim Brenholts
Genre: New Age | Celtic Fusion | Meditative
“ Love Peace is a set of 12 romantic serenades from Lisa Lynne Franco (Celtic harp) and George Tortorelli (bamboo flute). Franco's style has never been more graceful. It is unlikely that this duo intended to create this kind of healing music. "We hope this music brings...love and peace." That appears to be the purpose - simple, elegant, and soulful relaxation. They have, however, created a holistic meditation soundscape that ranks with anything from Klaus Wiese, Dean Evenson, Deborah Van Dyke, and Riley Lee. The styles are completely different, but the effect is identical. This is essential acoustic ambience...

1. Invocation
2. Winds Of Peace
3. Mysterium
4. Angel Of Mercy
5. The Journey
6. Windrise
7. Flowers In the Wind
8. The Farthest Shore
9. Serenity Road
10. The Dawn
11. Once Upon a Time
12. First Light
试听/1. Invocation
https://kiwi6.com/upload/hotlink?id=6994hd6m |