Dan Gibson - Relax the body 丹.吉布森-放松身体

Relax the Body and regain a sense of inner balance as guitar, cello
and piano combine with nature's voices to create a soothing
listening experience. Feel the tensions of the day just melt away...
Relax the Body
Format: CD (34814)
Relax the Body and regain a sense of inner balance as guitar, cello
and piano combine with nature's voices to create a soothing
listening experience. Instrumentation includes guitars, piano &

Label: Solitudes
Lead Artists: Dan Gibson, Rob Piltch
Composers: R. Piltch
Musicians: Kevin Fox - cello, Rob Piltch - guitar, Lou
Pomanti - piano
Nature Sounds: Thrasher, Brown; Frog, Gray Tree-; Robin,
American; Vireo, Red-eyed; Wren, Carolina; Woodpecker,
Red-bellied; Thrush, Hermit; Thrush, Wood; Sparrow, Song;
Sparrow, White-crowned; Sparrow, Bachman's; Vireo, White-eyed
Categories: Relaxation & Wellness
01. rest and relaxation
02. the freshest air
03. free and easy
04. releasing
05. caressed by the sea
06. quiet vitality
07. peaceful paradis
08. without a care
09. in balance