Suspended Memories - Forgotten Gods
Ambient | EAC Rip | Monkey Audio.
Three musical forces come together from different parts of the world... this is a brilliant collaboration between American synthmaster Steve Roach, Spanish guitarist Suzo Saiz and Mexican ethno-percussionist Jorge Reyes. The resulting atmospheres are thick with the dust of the ages and the sonic powers that dwell within... More detail here作为一个氛围电子音乐的先驱者,具有国际声誉的大师STEVE ROACH用永无止境的灵感精神来源30年致力于探索风格不同的音乐世界。通过那种开阔静止的空间反映了他那脱俗的精神世界,象巫师般一样运用了电子和自然的元素编制出可以燃烧生命的那种音乐诠释着音乐的真谛。
Steve Roach无疑是当代最大胆的环境音乐艺术家之一,作为一位艺术家的创作过程一直是充满革新性创造性而且不可预测的,音乐就是这样的东西,在专访中他这么说。
01. Different Deserts 12:21
02. Snake Song 06:44
03. Night Devotion 08:51
04. Saguaro 05:23
05. Mutual Tribes 07:07
06. Suspended Memories, Forgotten Gods 05:59
07. Ritual Noise 03:48
08. Distant Look 07:39
09. Shaman's Dream 06:08
[ 本帖最后由 k 于 2009-7-29 23:10 编辑 ] |