
Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de Luduvico
Diferencias (7) for guitar on "Guárdame las vacas"
Diferencias on "Conde Claros" for guitar
The woods so wild, variations for keyboard, MB 85: The Woods So Wild
Lost Is My Liberty
Fantasia, for lute in G major, P 1
Semper Dowland semper dolens, pavan for lute, P 9
Dowland's Galliard, for lute, P 20
Mellancoly Galliard, for lute, P 25
ady Hunsdon's Almain (Lady Hunsdon's Puffe), for lute, P 54
Lachrimae, for lute, P 15
The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galliard (Katherine Darcy's Galliard), for lute, P 41
Go from my window, song arranged for lute, P 64
Come away, song arranged for lute, P 60
Can she excuse (The Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, his Galliard), galliard for lute, P 42
Piper's Pavan, for lute, P 8
Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard, for lute, P 19
Fantasia, for lute in D minor, P 5
Fantasia, for lute in G minor, P 6
Fantasia No 13
Ricercare for lute No 33
Fantasia No 6
Ricercare for lute No. 57
Pescatore che va cantando
Saltarello de la preditta
Piva (Intabolatura de Lauto, 1508)
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