
Original release date: 04.08.1998
Label: World Disc
Re-edition rel. date: 25.02.2003
Label: Intent City
Styles: World Electronica, Ethno-Techno, Ethnic Fusion, World Fusion, Electronic, Techno-Folk, New Age, Far East, Middle East & North Africa
Similar projects: Spirit Nation, Deep Forest Waterbone adds its magical musical touch to the sounds from the land of pharoahs and pyramids. The acclaimed studio duo made masterful field recordings of some of the best musicians in Egypt playing everything from the Nay (Egyptian flute) to teacups, and laid them over an electro-world musical foundation. Orion Prophecy is the follow-up to their smash debut, Tibet. Reviews:
"This is the best of the best of the new wave of 'world electronica' music. Waterbone brings a warmth and a trippy originality to the normally sterile world of predictable beats."
--Rolling Stone "In the age of the internet it's rare to find a band that is willing to travel half way around the world just to get it from the source. These guys do it right."
--CNN I loved Tibet and waterbone once more wrapped me in the blamket of the worlds sounds and magicall voices. Its a wonderful combo of Trance meets the the world sound, as I said it's Natasha Atlis meets Enigma in the full moon of an Egyptian night.
Listen enjoy and let your mind be your Pilot on a wonderous journey! File Name
01. Hymn To Isis
02. Vision Of Mati
03. Eastern Star
04. Keeper Of The Gates Of Mars
05. Sky Gods
06. King Of Cups07. Waterchild
08. Temple Of Thorns (试听曲在4楼,特别感谢T,辛苦了)09. Book Of Stars
10. Between Two Rivers
11. Orion 专辑介绍 Waterbone 水骨乐团 把点石成金的音乐魔力施加在法老和金字塔之乡的音乐上。这个知名的录音室双人组作了精彩的实地采风录音,收录埃及一些最好的音乐家演奏的从Nay(埃及笛)到茶杯的各种乐器,再用电子、世界音乐作为基调打底。《Orion Prophecy 猎户座预言》是继他们取得巨大成功的首张专辑《Tibet 西藏》之后的又一杰作。 有媒体评论“这是‘世界电子’音乐新浪潮中最最优秀的作品。Waterbone 水骨乐团 给这个通常充满陈腔滥调、乏味节拍的世界带来了温暖、迷幻的原创新风。”——《Rolling Stone 滚石音乐期刊》 “在互联网的时代,难得有个乐队肯绕过半个地球到源头去收录音乐。这两个家伙干得好。”——CNN 《Orion Prophecy 猎户座预言》是什么? Waldo 和 Jones 两人在埃及期间,有一天逛到沙漠里。回头一望,看到金字塔背衬着紫色的暮霭,猎户星座腰带上的三颗钻石在金字塔正上方闪耀。这一景象使他们决定将专辑取名《Orion Prophecy 猎户座预言》。《Orion Prophecy 猎户座预言》源于相信技术先进的 Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯,传说中位于大西洋的岛屿,后沉于海底)文明能利用进步的天文知识推算世界大事。Atlantis毁灭后,岛上的人逃到埃及和南美洲。他们的后裔,玛雅人和埃及人写到,金星、猎户星和几个其他星球会在2012年运行到同样的“密码位置”,引起重大灾难性事件,造成世界上大量人口死亡,就像当年毁灭 Atlantis 的大洪水一样。这就是传说中的“Orion Prophecy 猎户座预言”的全部内容。 ——资料介绍来自网络专辑下载地址: [ 本帖最后由 曲终音绕梁 于 2008-10-28 17:32 编辑 ] |