Maneesh De Moor,当时看这个名字觉得怪怪的( 三个单词组合在一起的名字毕竟不多),后来直到《Sadhana 》专辑推出后,才开始关注这个人,而《Sadhana 》就是被传被亚玛逊网站推崇为2006年度最佳新世纪专辑排行榜第一的专辑。
荷兰键盘乐器演奏家和作曲家,也是一位古典钢琴演奏家,他擅长于将印度,西藏等地区的音乐元素与现代电子音乐相结合,经常与 Deva Premal、Miten 、Sudha 和 Prem Joshua 等知名新世纪音乐家合作演出,以至于很多人将他当做印度音乐人。还是来看看这个人:

对于这张《Om Deeksha》,在这里仅仅作为为感兴趣的朋友分享用途,其他不想多作点评。

Product Details
Original Release Date: June 5, 2007
Label: Gemini Sun Records
Genre: Meditative、new age
Quality: flac 699k
Maneesh de Moor和一些著名的音乐家为我们提供了一个安静的沉浸在平和的内心世界的环境。音乐提供了连贯的祝福,神圣的动力,促进精神的觉醒。《Om Deeksha》的10首歌曲就是以这种精神的爱,为听众进行了一波又一波的温柔抚慰。
This beautiful CD contains sacred chants and meditative instrumental music that manifest the Oneness Blessing, a special form of deeksha (Sanskrit for "transfer of divine energy") originated at Oneness University in southern India. Produced by Netherlands-born Maneesh de Moor (mdmsound.com), this music transcends its space-music and "ethno-ambient" acoustics and other New Age effects with its exceptional clarity and purity of expression. The sense of devotion that runs through these ten tracks is enough to send anyone with an inquisitive spirit or thirst for oneness to the websites of Oneness University and its US manifestation, Oneness Movement.
The Oneness Blessing, which I have only experienced (so far) through the energy of this disc, is described as "a non-denominational benediction… a transfer of Divine Energy which, over time, is designed to bring about the state of Oneness in the recipient." Said to have been brought to the world through Divine Grace, "it is being bestowed upon humanity by the twin avatars of enlightenment Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma, who reside in the Golden City, India."
Whatever your feelings may be about gurus and avatars, the sacred, heart-opening beauty of Deva Premal, Sudha, Anette Carlstr?m, Krishnaraj-ji and other vocalists is hard to resist. Yes, the chants are often westernized, both in vocal accent and harmony, to make them more "popular," but the feelings of oneness and peace are universal. Calming, centering, and transporting, this wonderful CD is ideal for meditation, contemplation, and bodywork.
Track Listing
1. Moola Prayer
2. Bliss
3. Jai Radha Madhav
4. Morning Praise
5. Invocation of Bliss
6. Interlude
7. OM Bhagavan
8. Chidananda
9. Pure Essence
10. Guru Stotram
试听:7. OM Bhagavan

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