
MP3 | 320 Kbps | 176mb
Classical | 1 CD | 01:15:26
André Léon Marie Nicolas Rieu (born October 1, 1949) is a Dutch violinist, conductor, and composer best known for creating an international revival in waltz music with his "Johann Strauss Orchestra".
安德烈尼古拉瑞歐萊昂瑪麗(生於 1949年10月1日)是荷蘭小提琴家,指揮家和作曲家,最著名的建立一個國際復興華爾茲音樂與他的“約翰施特勞斯樂團”。
01. (00:07:51) - Blue Danube, Op. 314
02. (00:03:05) - Radetzky Marsch
03. (00:03:38) - Shostakovich Second Waltz
04. (00:05:20) - Voice Of Spring
05. (00:03:45) - Strauss and Co
06. (00:06:41) - Bolero
07. (00:07:15) - Vienna Blood Wiener Blut Waltz, Op. 354
08. (00:02:51) - Perpetuum Mobile, Op. 257
09. (00:06:14) - Wine Woman And Song
10. (00:02:31) - Unter Donner Und Blitz, Op. 324
11. (00:04:31) - Carneval De Venise
12. (00:04:17) - The Gypsy Baron
13. (00:02:58) - The Merry Widow
14. (00:02:07) - On Holiday, Op 133
15. (00:05:32) - Song of Vilja
16. (00:03:26) - You Are My Heart's Delight
17. (00:03:23) - Strauss Party
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Carneval De Venise