
专辑名称: RainForest Magic(魔幻雨林)艺人: Tony O'Connor发行时间: 1993发行公司: Studio Horizon资源品质: FLAC+CUE试听: 07-One Spirit
TONY1993年发行的这张Rainforest Magic(魔幻雨林)迄今售出超过50万张。是他目前为止唯一的三白金销量专辑!喜欢的朋友请尽快收藏!Tony:"一个遥远的瀑布,一串串细微的流水声,还有丝丝鸟语……这就是不可思议雨林的仙境。我花了一年的时间走访了澳大利亚的各个美丽的雨林(Daintree, Lamington, Tasmania等等)去录取美妙的声音,等我回到工作室时再在这些美妙的声音上加上独特的音乐,试图把雨林的魔力发挥出来~"来自Tony O'Connor官网的介绍:
A distant waterfall, a gentle babbling stream, whip birds.......Rainforest Magic is an adventure into nature's wonderland. I spent a year travelling Australia, recording sounds in several of the most beautiful rainforests (Daintree, Lamington, Tasmania etc)
On my return, I played the sounds in the studio and composed music over the top, to try and recreate that special stillness and magic of the forest. Panflutes, piano and gentle orchestral sounds provied the ideal timbres. Next to Mariner, this album is undoubtably one of my most popular recordings. Over 500,000 copies have now been sold, and to this day I still receive letters and emails from listeners saying this is their most favourite CD.封底和内页:

曲目列表:1. Memories
2. Silent Spirit
3. A Place to Hide 4. Living Galleries 5. Mountain Forests
6. Summer Rain
7. One Spirit下载地址: Download(FLAC+CUE)下载人数越少,文件失效越早! |