The Caribbean is home to a string of tourism-friendly island nations and some of the world's most amazing music. Along with lush vegetation, sugar-sand beaches, and spicy food, each island is defined by its local sound, which remains fairly consistent whether the lyrics deal with partying, courtship, or social protest. This set is devoted to dance-oriented Haitian compas, Jamaican reggae, zouk from the French Antilles, and Trinidadian calypso's faster and more rhythmically intense descendant, soca (from SOul-CAlypso). The Martinican star Kali's "L'Histoire de Zouk" tells the tale via snippets from the past, while his neighbor Eric Virgal's hit, "Pa Fe Mwen La Pen," is a gooey romantic ballad. Krosfyah ups the ante with "Pump Me Up," a sassy carnival anthem that provides an enjoyable contrast to the low-down, earthy swing of Bunny Wailer's "Roots, Rock Reggae," and the bawdy double-entendres of Coalishun's "Ice Cream." --Christina Roden
加勒比海一個有著藍天白雲的伊甸園和全年最佳的氣候。 一個有著蔚藍大海、潔白海難、絢麗多彩的珊瑚世界和成百上千的海洋生物。美麗的天然景色,發展出屬於熱帶特有的音樂,一聽就忍不住跟著搖擺起來!
本輯收錄許多來自加勒比海代表藝人,開場的卡里愉快旋律,讓人雙腳不聽使喚地舞動起來,隨著 Tabou Combo樂團帶著雷鬼節奏的音樂輕鬆的搖擺,而接下來邦果樂團的熱力節奏,讓人high翻天,而克裡遜樂團一首「冰淇淋」讓大家清涼一下,馬上就能感覺自己躺在沙灘躺椅上,身旁吹起了海風,放眼望去盡是海天一色的美麗景緻,口中喝著清涼的耶子水,完全地放鬆,而除了新創作的音樂外,班尼慧勒更是翻唱了雷鬼樂之父巴伯馬利的作品!
[01]. Histoire du Zouk - Kali
[02]. Chale Lanmou - Tabou Combo
[03]. Serjyo - Bago
[04]. Pump Me Up - Krosfyah
[05]. Ice Cream - Coalishun
[06]. Roots, Rock, Reggae - Bunny Wailer
[07]. Pa Fe Mwen la Pen - Eric Virgil
[08]. Chayew Ale
[09]. Dokte - Ralph Thamar
[10]. Don't Touch My Tempo - Arrow