专辑中文名: 角斗士
专辑英文名: Gladiator
艺术家: Hans Zimmer,Lisa Gerrard
发行时间: 2001年02月27日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
文件类型:320k MP3
正如电影中的Maximus说的那样:“I will win the crowd. I will give them something they've never seen before.“(我会让他们见识到他们闻所未闻的东西,我一定会赢得掌声的!)就在Ridley Scott导演的《Gladiator》席卷大小奖项,Zimmer原声碟巨大的销量震惊了冷清的唱片店之后,第二张原声续碟的出炉也就一点儿也不奇怪了。不过正如Maximus说的那样,《Gladiator》让我们见到了很多闻所未闻的东西。数年前德卡与环球唱片公司借着一张《More Music from Braveheart》从市场上又分得了一杯羹。但是我不得不说这次他们太让我失望了。这张续碟让人无法忍受,不知道喜欢第一张的朋友会不会喜欢这张原声碟。德卡所做的是把这张续碟做成是不熟悉大片电影配乐之人的教材,而不是向我们展示Zimmer的美妙。这张续碟包含小样,被弃用的段子,偶然的录音,混音实验品还有就是最具争议的—对白。
01. Duduk of the North
02. Now We Are Free (Juba's Mix)
03. The Protector Of Rome (featuring Russell Crowe as Maximus and Richard Harris as Marcus Aurelius)
04. Homecoming (featuring Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus and Russell Crowe)
05. The General Who Became A Slave
06. The Slave Who Became A Gladiator (featuring Oliver Reed as Proximo and Russell Crowe)
07. Secrets
08. Rome is the Light
09. All That Remains
10. Maximus (Guitar by Heitor Pereira)
11. Marrakesh Marketplace
12. The Gladiator Waltz (featuring Russell Crowe/Original synth demo version by Hans Zimmer)
13. Figurines (Yangqin by Lisa Gerrard)
14. The Mob
15. Busy Little Bee (featuring Connie Nielsen as Lucilla and Russell Crowe)
16. Death Smiles At Us All (featuring Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix)
17. Not Yet (featuring Djimon Hounsou as Juba)
18. Now We Are Free (Maximus Mix)