01. Symphony No. 1 'Banéret': When We First Took Up the Strife [0:10:09.15]
02. Symphony No. 1 'Banéret': Between the Feuds [0:05:47.20]
03. Symphony No. 1 'Banéret': At the Hero's Bier [0:13:14.00]
04. Symphony No. 1 'Banéret': Towards New Beginning [0:09:09.55]
05. Suite 'I Sompras': The Mountain [0:05:48.10]
06. Suite 'I Sompras': The Lake [0:04:28.15]
07. Suite 'I Sompras': Across the Heath [0:06:29.10]
08. Suite 'I Sompras': Squirrel and Wood Pigeon [0:04:29.30]
09. Suite 'I Sompras': The Pine Forest [0:07:13.45]
10. Suite 'I Sompras': Thew Mountain Stream [0:02:53.37]