资源标题:爵士:Thelonious Monk《The Complete Riverside Recordings》15CD/FLAC/BD
:The Complete Riverside Recordings 15cd
:Thelonious Monk
:Jazz Bop
钢琴巨擘泰隆尼斯 孟克于Riverside河岸唱片时期作品全收录,一次尽收其生涯巅峰时期的不朽铭盘
★ 企鹅评鑑 4星皇冠★★★★最高等级荣耀!!!
★ AMG 5星最高尊荣评价★★★★★
★ Grammy Award 葛莱美最佳历史专辑(1988)
钢琴巨擘泰隆尼斯 孟克,与萨克斯风手查理;帕克与小号手迪吉;葛拉斯彼同为开创出咆勃乐浪潮的爵士先驱,相较于其他两位,孟克更是爵士乐史上传奇中的传奇乐手。他的作曲及演奏至今仍是不朽钜作,最主要是在于其实验性十足的概念,初次聆听时总令人觉得荒谬怪诞不协调而坐立难安,艰涩而难以理解其音乐思维;然再细细探究,其音乐架构早已大幅跨越了时代洪流,透过不按牌理出牌的音符堆叠,却是他经深思熟虑的语彙及巧妙安排的桥段,在带有强烈个人色彩的乐音铺陈裡,于对比反差间传达出最质朴酝藉的新鲜感,让乐迷们得以领略到柳暗花明又一村的意外之喜。本辑为孟克在河岸唱片长达6年之久时期所留下22张黑胶唱片的录音室或现场录音,无论就创作或演奏而言,均可谓其生涯顶峰之完美呈现,因为在此时期不仅创作力丰沛惊人,其演奏技巧更臻于卓越,故奠定了无人能取代之个人风采,再加上與約翰‧柯川、桑尼羅林斯、克拉克泰瑞、保羅錢伯斯、肯尼克拉克等爵士名家于录音室或音乐会现场同台拼场较劲,火花四射的演奏及淋漓尽致的飙技更是令人讚叹不已。乐迷们可以更容易地亲近这位爵士大师作品,细细聆赏孟克带给大家最精彩的15张无可比拟历史名演!
01. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
02. Sophisticated Lady
03. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good Enough)
04. Black And Tan Fantasy
05. Mood Indigo
06. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart
07. Solitude
08. Caravan
09. Liza, All The Clouds'll Roll Away
10. Memories of You
11. Honeysuckle Rose
12. Darn That Dream
13. Tea For Two
01. You Are Too Beautiful
02. Just You, Just Me
03. Ba-Lue Bolivar Ba-Lues-Are
04. Pannonica. opening (previously unissued)
05. Pannonica
06. Brilliant Corners
07. Bemsha Swing
08. I Surrender, Dear
01. I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You (Take 5. Previously issued only in Italy)
02. I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You (Take 7. originally issued)
03. I Should Care (Take 1. previously unissued)
04. I Should Care (Take 2. previously issued only in Italy)
05. I Should Care (Take 3. originally issued)
06. 'Round Midnight. in progress
07. 'Round Midnight (Take 7. originally issued)
08. April In Paris
09. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
10. Monk's Mood. false start (previously unissued)
11. Monk's Mood
01. Functional (Take 1 - alternate)
02. Functional (Take 2 - originally issued)
03. All Alone
04. Crepuscule With Nellie (Take 1 on June 25 - previously unissued)
05. Crepuscule With Nellie - breakdown (previously unissued)
06. Blues For Tomorrow
07. Off Minor (Take 4 - alternate)
08. Off Minor (Take 5 - originally issued)
09. Abide With Me
10. Crepuscule With Nellie (Takes 4,5 - previously unissued)
11. Crepuscule With Nellie (Take 6 - originally issued)
01. Epistrophy - fragment
02. Epistrophy
03. Well, You Needn't - opening (previously unissued)
04. Well, You Needn't
05. Ruby, My Dear (with Coleman Hawkins)
06. Ruby, My Dear (with John Coltrane)
07. Nutty
08. Trinkle, Tinkle
09. Straight, No Chaser (Take 1 - alternate)
10. Straight, No Chaser (Take 3 - originally issued)
11. Rhythm-A-Ning
01. I Mean You (Take 1 - alternate)
02. I Mean You (Take 2 - alternate)
03. I Mean You (Take 4 - originally issued)
04. 'Round Midnight
05. Decidedly (Take 4 - originally issued stereo take)
06. Decidedly (Take 5 - originally issued monaural take)
07. Sweet and Lovely
08. Coming On The Hudson
09. In Orbit
10. One Foot In The Gutter
01. Trust in Me
02. Let's Cool One
03. Pea Eye
04. Argentia
05. Moonlight Fiesta
06. Buck's Business
07. Flugelin' The Blues
08. Very Near Blue
09. Evidence (previously unissued)
10. Blues Five Spot
11. In Walked Bud,Epistrophy (theme)
01. unidentified solo piano
02. 'Round Midnight
03. Bye-Ya, Epistrophy (theme) (previously unissued)
04. Light Blue
05. Coming On The Hudson
06. Rhythm-A-Ning
07. Just a Gigolo
08. Blue Monk
09. Evidence
10. Epistrophy (theme)
01. Nutty
02. Blues Five Spot
03. Let's Cool One
04. In Walked Bud
05. Misterioso
06. Epistrophy (theme - #2)
07. In Walked Bud
08. Blue Monk
01. Rhythm-A-Ning
02. Monk's Mood
03. Friday The 13th
04. Little Rootie Tootie
05. Off Minor
06. Thelonious
07. Crepuscule with Nellie
08. Little Rootie Tootie - encore
01. Played Twice (Take 1 - 2nd alternate)
02. Played Twice (Take 2 - alternate)
03. Played Twice (Take 3 - originally issued)
04 . Straight, No Chaser
05 . Ask Me Now
06. I Mean You
07. Jackie-ing
08. Round Lights
09. Pannonica
10. Blue Monk
01. Ruby, My Dear
02. There's Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie (Take 1 - alternate)
03. There's Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie (Take 2 - originally issued)
04 . Everything Happens To Me
05. Reflections
06. Remember
07. Bluehawk
08. You Took The Words Right Out Of My Heart
09. San Francisco Holiday (previously unissued)
10. Just You, Just Me (previously unissued)
11. 'Round Midnight (previously unissued)
12. San Francisco Holiday (Take 2 - alternate)
01. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
02. Evidence
03. Epistrophy (theme)
04. Epistrophy
05. Four In One (take 1)
06. Let's Call This
07. 'Round Midnight
08. San Francisco Holiday (Worry Later) (take 3)
09. Four In One (take 2)
10. Epistrophy (theme)
01. Well, You Needn't
02. Crepuscule With Nellie
03. Jackie-ing
04. Body And Soul
05. Off Minor
06. April In Paris
07. I Mean You
08. Rhythm-A-Ning
09. Just A Gigolo
01. Hackensack
02. Epistropy
03. I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
04. Jackie-ing
05. Body and Soul
06. Straight, No Chaser
07. Crepescule With Nellie
08. Bemsha Swing
09. San Francisco Holiday
10. Rhythm-a-ning
11. Epistrophy
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