The poet among contemporary composers. Magical arrangements of the world successes of Verdi, Satie and children's songs from the Mother Goose collection. Fumio Yasuda describes his music succinctly with the attempt to invent something new. He names the late romantic compositions of Franz Schmidt as decisive influences, but also John Cage's transgressions of boundaries. Nobuyoshi Araki brought Yasuda together with Stefan Winter 20 years ago. Over ten albums were created. For the anniversary of Winter & Winter, Yasuda meets his selection: My Choice. The FAZ writes: If you get involved in your music \- which is not a question of free will: once ... put it on, you will want to hear it again and again.
Fumio Yasuda, piano
Forma Antiqva
Kammerorchester Basel
Teodoro Anzellotti, direction
1 Kakyoku
2 Death Sentiment IV
3 Song of Lydia
4 Rain Landscape
5 O Don Fatale (Don Carlo)
6 Accordion Concerto: Last Choral
7 Gig
8 A Song for Lucrezia
9 Vexations
10 Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush
11 Las Vegas Rhapsody - Epilogue
12 Waltz for Monique
13 Elegy in E Minor
14 Eternal Love