资源标题:Garoad合集(5CD+2EP)《va11 hall a》+《Yuppie Psycho》+2EP+1CD/FLAC/百度
VA11 HALL-A(赛博朋克酒保行动)原声+2EP+1CD+Yuppie Psycho(雅皮士精神)原声
如果觉得喜欢的话欢迎上steam支持一下正版VA11游戏,有官方简中,绝对物超所值!希望SEKUBAN GAMES和Garoad越做越好。
作者:Michael Kelly(Garoad)
VA-11 HALL-A 原声——3CD
VA-11 HALL-A Prologue OST - Sounds From The Future
1.Metropolis 01:06
2.Karmotrine Dream 02:25
3.Neon District 04:09
4.David Nyman - Strictly Business 02:31
5.Skyline 03:12
6.A New Frontier 04:12
7.Another Satisfied Customer 00:43
8.Dusk 03:18
9.Meet The Staff 03:37
10.Heart Of The City 02:31
11.David Nyman - Spirit Potion 03:24
12.A City That Never Sleeps 01:45
13.Base Of The Titans 02:33
14.Follow The Trail 02:50
15.Out Of Orbit 03:16
16.Tense 01:48
17.Underground Club 02:11
18.Showtime! 03:18
released August 18, 2014
VA-11 HALL-A - Second Round
1.Hopes and Dreams 00:47
2.A Neon Glow Lights the Way 02:32
3.Welcome to VA-11 HALL-A 03:08
4.Every Day is Night 03:40
5.Commencing Simulation 01:51
6.Drive Me Wild 03:48
7.Good for Health, Bad for Education 03:14
8.Who Was I? 01:20
9.Troubling News 01:16
10.A Gaze That Invited Disaster 03:43
11.Friendly Conversation 02:15
12.You've Got Me 03:28
13.Better Luck Next Time 00:19
14.Transition I 00:37
15.Umemoto 03:37
16.JC Elton's 01:45
17.Go! Go! Streaming-chan! 01:33
18.All Systems, Go! 03:41
19.Where Do I Go From Here? 01:58
20.Will You Remember Me? 01:46
21.Everything Will Be Okay 02:22
22.March of the White Knights 01:53
23.A. Rene 03:24
24.Safe Haven 02:39
25.Neo Avatar 03:42
26.Those Who Dwell in Shadows 03:15
27.Nighttime Maneuvers 04:06
28.A Star Pierces the Darkness 02:21
29.CALICOMP 1.1 Startup 00:19
30.CALICOMP 1.1 Shutdown 00:19
31.Transition II 01:09
32.Your Love is a Drug 03:00
33.Through the Storm, We Will Find a Way 03:27
34.Synthestitch 04:41
35.Snowfall 02:50
36.The Answer Lies Within 02:41
37.Dawn Approaches 04:10
38.With Renewed Hope, We Continue Forward 02:58
39.Last Call 02:13
40.Reminiscence 02:36
41.Believe in Me Who Believes in You 04:40
42.Final Result 01:10
43.Until We Meet Again 00:52
44.Digital Drive 01:33
released January 19, 2016
VA-11 HALL-A EX - Bonus Tracks Collection
1.Glitch City 02:26
2.Shine Spark 05:01
3.Snowfall (SenzaFine Remix) 02:27
4.Base of the Titans (Sage Remix) 01:37
5.Truth 02:18
6.Lifebeat of Lilim 03:17
7.Every Day is Night (FamilyJules Arrange) 03:47
8.Your Love is a Drug ft. Adriana Figueroa (insaneintherain Arrange) 04:50
9.Lifebeat of Lilim (Instrumental Version) 03:17
10.Shine Spark (Instrumental Version) 05:01
released September 19, 2017
1.Study Session 03:10
2.School of Hard Knocks 02:18
3.Out of My Way! 02:25
4.Aperture 05:29
5.Sounds of Morning 03:46
6.Through the Fierce Wind 02:41
7.Acid Rain 03:05
8.Escape From Research Lab 04:00
9.The Lion and the Dragon 03:22
10.Together We Can 02:13
released August 6, 2015
1.Star Gazer 00:46
2.Stream of Consciousness 02:20
3.To the Sky! 03:01
4.A Moment of Tranquility 02:28
5.Sounds of Morning 03:46
6.Airships 03:09
7.Constellation 01:00
8.Among the Clouds 02:28
9.Alone 01:14
10.Us Against the World 02:19
11.Sun and Sea 02:06
12.Killer and Me 02:56
13.We Will Go There 04:03
released April 29, 2016
1.All Aboard 04:16
2.Lights 02:21
3.Freeway 03:22
4.Detour 02:09
5.Home 04:44
released June 13, 2017
Yuppie Psycho Original Soundtrack——1CD
1.Voice (Prelude) 02:31
2.Clocking In 00:11
3.Green Horn 02:28
4.A Great Place to Work 01:23
5.Meet and Greet 04:15
6.Something's Not Right 03:22
7.She is Watching Us 01:27
8.Tooth and Nail 01:54
9.Sintranet 03:52
10.Hall of Records 02:35
11.Not What They Seem 02:34
12.As You Are, I Was 01:37
13.Her Children 01:27
14.Hollow Faces 03:06
15.The Hive 04:00
16.Blush 03:05
17.Presence 00:36
18.A Man Out of You 02:30
19.The Shell 04:33
20.Hunter Boy 02:24
21.You're Fired! 00:11
22.Smoke and Cheese 01:01
23.Crackpot 02:24
24.I Can See You 01:58
25.It Hurts (Do You Look Like The Devil?) 02:04
26.Crimson Emerald (It's Been a Pleasure) 02:45
27.Stand 01:19
28.The Blessed Virgin 02:33
29.A Tale of Sisters 02:15
30.Purge by Fire 00:56
31.Dance of the Dead 05:24
32.Don't Look (Rip Them Out) 02:18
33.Union 04:35
34.Further Down the Spiral 03:17
35.A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing 02:49
36.For Them, I Will 02:30
37.Heir (Goodbye and Hello) 02:47
38.My Friend The Devil 03:48
39.She 03:31
40.Whole Again 02:50
41.Ascending the Throne 01:36
42.Colleagues (Before I'm Gone) 04:06
43.Still 01:52
44.A Promise Kept 00:45
45.Starry Eyes 04:26
released March 11, 2019
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