Paganini: Sonatas for Violin and Guitar(帕格尼尼:小提琴与吉他奏鸣曲)
作曲:Niccolo Paganini
小提琴:Rainer Kußmaul
吉它:Sonja Prunnbauer
前柏林爱乐小提琴首席 Rainer Kußmaul 大师名演、完全释放 1724 年史特拉底瓦里名琴魔力,人琴合一的最高境界。录音完全不施加等化压缩等后制处理,完全保留名琴泛音光彩。
名琴录音并不少见,但是能像「弦烧乐韵」这般完美结合名琴、名家、发烧录音的唱片却极为稀有。曾任柏林爱乐小提琴首席的 Rainer Kußmaul 演奏一把 1724 年史特拉底瓦里小提琴,透过德国发烧名厂 MD G 毫不施加人工处理的录音,我们可以听到演奏者完全控制住名琴剽悍声音穿透力,彷彿进入人琴合一境界,完全释放名琴高贵音色与丰美的光泽。合奏的吉他大师 Sonja Prunnbauer 使用一把名家复刻 Panormo 名琴,声音甜美动人,不论音色、技巧、默契都与小提琴演奏相得益彰,堪称名琴录音之极致佳作。
撒旦小提琴家帕格尼尼,向来以他超卓的琴技傲视群伦,尤其是他的跳弓与二重泛音更是无人能出其右 ; 少年时代就喜爱吉他的他,自然对此乐器的奏法亦是功力非凡,其处理小提琴和吉他的声部显得十分匀称,浪漫的旋律、优美的乐曲,使的爱乐者能悠游在精美雅致的古典天地之中。这些奏鸣曲多是帕格尼尼为了业餘演奏家在沙龙中玩乐所作,所以曲式都舍弃了艰涩的技巧,代之以单纯平易的曲风,小提琴担任主导而吉他仅作简单的和弦配衬。
01 Sonata Concertata for Violin and Guitar in La Majeur- Allegro spiritoso
02 Sonata Concertata for Violin and Guitar in La Majeur- Adagio assai espressivo
03 Sonata Concertata for Violin and Guitar in La Majeur- Rondeau
04 Sonatina No. 2 for Violin and Guitar Out of Quattro Sonatine in Fa Majeur- Placidamente con gracia
05 Sonatina No. 2 for Violin and Guitar Out of Quattro Sonatine in Fa Majeur- Andantino trescando
06 Sonatina No. 4 for Violin and Guitar Out of Quattro Sonatine in Sol Majeur- Cantabile pacificamente
07 Sonatina No. 4 for Violin and Guitar Out of Quattro Sonatine in Sol Majeur- Rondo. Quasi allegro
08 Cantabile for Violin and Guitar in Re Majeur
09 Grosse Sonate for Guitar Solo With Accompaniment of the Violin in La Majeur- Allegro risoluto
10 Grosse Sonate for Guitar Solo With Accompaniment of the Violin in La Majeur- Romanze
11 Grosse Sonate for Guitar Solo With Accompaniment of the Violin in a Major - III. A
12 Sonata for Violin and Guitar in D Minor, Op. 2, 3 - I. Adagio maestoso
13 Sonata for Violin and Guitar in D Minor, Op. 2, 3 - II. Andantino Galantemente
14 Sonata for Violin and Guitar in a Minor, Op. 2, 6 - I. Largo con precisione
15 Sonata Op. 2, 6 for Violin and Guitar in La Mineur- Tempo di Walzer
16 Sonata I for Violin and Guitar Out of Centone Di Sonate in La Majeur- Introduzione
17 Sonata I for Violin and Guitar Out of Centone Di Sonate in La Majeur- Rondoncino. Allegro