Label: TELDEC – 2292-46447-2
Series: Das Alte Werk
Format: 2 x CD, Album, Stereo
Country: Germany
Released: 1991
Genre: Classical
Style: Baroque, Oratorio
Handel晚年的清唱剧创作与晚期歌剧如出一辙,都开始走强烈抒情的路线,在正式从事清唱剧(1730年代写的Deborah和Athalia)直到他最后几部清唱剧Susanna,Solomon,Theodora也有近20年的光阴,早期中期那种宏大的悲剧史诗已经逐步让位给抒情性的悲剧,四部战时清唱剧(Judas Maccabaeus,The Occasional Oratrio,Joshua,Alexander Balus)被认为是高峰,并取得了极大的成功,但形成鲜明反差的是:Theodora这部1749年的作品所遭受的命运却是凄惨的,1750年3月的首演只持续了三场,1755年重演也只有一场,1759年的重演因为Handel的逝世而被取消.面对空空如也的剧院,Handel也说了自嘲的话:“对于犹太人来说,这是基督教的故事,对于妇女来说,这又是道德故事“
正如作曲家本人所说的那样,Theodora的题材选择在Handel的清唱剧中的确是非同寻常的,以往大多选自圣经或圣经外传,但这个故事却是基督教形成后的事,是罗马皇帝戴克里先在位的后期受加勒利挑动之下大肆迫害基督徒的事,此事当发生于4世纪初期,但早期教会对这些迫害往往夸大其词,添油加醋,弄得几位异教罗马皇帝都如禽兽一般(如朱里安),而信教的皇帝即使是暴君也被修饰为圣君(如君士坦丁一世),这也使当时的那些传说常常不着边际(可以参看伏尔泰的风俗论),Theodora这个故事自然是杜撰无疑,Theodora与Irene的名字都是罗马帝国东部女性常用名字,不过在看唱片说明书时发现了一个有趣的故事,即此故事的来源居然是出自著名化学家Robert Boyle的一本著作,法国著名悲剧作家Corneille也有此类故事,Handel的剧本作家Thomas Morell从两者中抽取改编,虽然剧本本身就有那种很强烈的宗教狂热感,还将Theodora身份提升到了安条克的公主,当然Didymus身为军人也是基督徒的身份设定是很符合当时罗马的情况的(可以参见Derek Jarman的惊世之作Sebastiane)
1-1 Overture 3:10
Act I
1-2 Recitative „‚Tis Dioclesian‘s Natal Day“ [Valens] 0:33
1-3 Air „Go, My Faithfull Soldier“ [Valens] 2:09
1-4 Chorus „And Draw A Blessing Down“ [Chorus Of Hethens] 2:15
1-5 Recitative „Vouchsafe, Dread Sir“ [Didymus, Valens] 1:00
1-6 Air „Rocks, Gibbels, Sword And Fire“ [Valens] 2:50
1-7 Chorus „For Ever Thus Slands“ [Chorus Of Heathens] 2:02
1-8 Recitative „Most Cruel Edict“ [Didymus] 0:31
1-9 Air „The Raplur‘d Soul“ [Didymus] 3:47
1-10 Recitative „I Know Thy Virtues“ [Septimus] 0:42
1-11 Air „Descend, Kind Pity“ [Septimus] 6:57
1-12 Recitative „Though Hard, My Friends“ [Theodora] 0:28
1-13 Air „Fond Flatt‘ring World“ [Theodora] 3:58
1-14 Recitative „Oh Bright Example“ [Irene] 0:29
1-15 Chorus „Come, Mighty Father“ [Chorus Of Christians] 3:02
1-16 Recitative „Fly, Fly, My Brethren“ [Messenger, Irene] 1:00
1-17 Air „As With Rosy Steps“ [Irene] 5:19
1-18 Chorus „All Pow‘r In Heaven Above“ [Chorus Of Christians] 2:20
1-19 Recitative „Mistaken Wretches“ [Septimus] 0:24
1-20 Recitative „Deluded Mortal!“ [Theodora, Septimus] 0:45
1-21 Accompanied Recitative „Oh Worse Than Death Indeed“ [Theodora] 0:31
1-22 Air „Angels, Ever Bright And Fair“ [Theodora] 2:53
1-23 Recitative „Unhappy, Happy Crew“ [Didymus, Irene] 0:47
1-24 Air „Kind Heaven“ [Didymus] 2:36
1-25 Recitative „Oh Love, How Great Thy Pow‘r“ [Irene] 0:23
1-26 Chorus „Go, Gen‘rous Pious Youth“ [Chorus Of Christians] 5:15
Act II
1-27 Recitative „Ye Men Of Antioch“ [Valens] 0:34
1-28 Chorus „Queen Of Summer“ [Chorus Of Heathens] 0:47
1-29 Air „Wide Spread“ [Valens] 2:28
1-30 Recitativ „Return, Septimus“ [Valens] 0:33
1-31 Chorus „Venus Laughing From The Skies“ [Chorus Of Heathens] 1:30
2-1 (Largo) 1:12
2-2 Recitativ „Oh Thou Bright Sun“ [Theodora] 0:37
2-3 Air „With Darkness Deep“ [Theodora] 3:59
2-4 (Largo) 1:56
2-5 Recitative „But Why Art Thou Disquieted“ [Theodora] 0:27
2-6 Recitative „Septimus, I Am A Christian“ [Didymus, Septimus] 0:45
2-7 Air „Though The Honors“ [Septimus] 3:54
2-8 Recitative „Oh Save Her Than“ [Didymus, Septimus] 0:41
2-9 Recitative „The Clouds Begin To Veil“ [Irene] 0:37
2-10 Air „Defend Her, Heaven“ [Irene] 5:34
2-11 Recitative „Or Lull‘d With Griet“ [Didymus] 0:21
2-12 Air „Sweet Rose And Lily“ [Didymus] 2:50
2-13 Recitative „Oh Save Me, Heaven“ [Theodora, Didymus] 1:12
2-14 Air „The Pilgrim‘s Home“ [Theodora] 3:06
2-15 Acccompanied Recitative „Forbid It, Heaven“ [Didymus] 0:36
2-16 Recitative „Ah! What Is Liberty“ [Theodora, Didymus] 0:56
2-17 Duet „To Thee, Thou Glorious Son“ [Theodora, Didymus] 4:53
2-18 Recitative „‚Tis Night“ [Irene] 0:29
2-19 Chorus“He Saw The Lonely Youth“ [Chorus Of Christians] 5:12
2-20 Air „Lord To Thee“[Irene] 4:49
2-21 Recitative „But See! The Good, The Virtuous Didymus“ [Irene, Theodora] 0:40
2-22 Chorus „Blest The Hand“ [ Chorus Of Christians, Theodora] 3:14
2-23 Recitative „Ah, Theodora! Whence This Sudden Change“ [Irene, Theodora] 0:57
2-24 Duet „Whither, Princess, Do You Fly“ [Irene, Theodora] 1:36
2-25 Recitative „She‘s Gone“ [Irene] 0:29
2-26 Recitative „Dwells There Such Virtuous Courage“ [Septimus] 0:29
2-27 Air „From Virtue Springs“ [Septimus] 3:16
2-28 Air „Cease, Ye Slaves“ [Valens] 1:10
2-29 „Oppose Not, Didymus“ [Theodora] 0:28
2-30 Chorus „How Strange Their Ends“ [Chorus Of Heathens] 2:26
2-31 Recitative „On Me Your Frowns“[Didymus, Theodora, Valens] 0:46
2-32 Recitative „And Must Such Beauty Suffer?“ [Didymus, Theodora, Septimus] 0:45
2-33 Duet „Streams Of Pleasure“ [Didymus, Theodora] 3:57
2-34 Recitative „Ere This Their Doom Is Past“ [Irene] 0:19
2-35 Chorus „Oh Love divine“ [Chorus of christians] 3:03