资源标题:刺客信条: Brian Tyler《Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag OST》2013/FLAC/BD 内容下载及简介:
音乐名称:Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag OST
歌手姓名:Brian Tyler
作者简介:布莱恩·泰勒(Brian Tyler),影视配乐家、制作人,毕业于哈佛大学研究生院和加州大学洛杉矶分校本科生院。
CD1 #01] Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Main Theme
CD1 #02] Pyrates Beware
CD1 #03] On the Horizon
CD1 #04] The High Seas
CD1 #05] The Fortune of Edward Kenway
CD1 #06] In This World or the One Below
CD1 #07] Under the Black Flag
CD1 #08] The Ends of the Earth
CD1 #09] Stealing a Brig
CD1 #10] Fare Thee Well
CD1 #11] The Buccaneers
CD1 #12] Marked for Death
CD1 #13] Last Goodbyes
CD1 #14] Take What Is Ours!
CD1 #15] I'll Be with You
CD1 #16] Lay Aboard Lads
CD1 #17] A Pirate's Life
CD2 #01] Men of War
CD2 #02] Order of the Assassin
CD2 #03] In the Midst
CD2 #04] The British Empire
CD2 #05] Batten Down the Hatches
CD2 #06] Modernity
CD2 #07] A Merry Life and a Short One
CD2 #08] Queen Anne's Revenge
CD2 #09] Confrontation
CD2 #10] Prizes Plunder and Adventure
CD2 #11] Meet the Sage
CD2 #12] Into the Jungle
CD2 #13] The Spanish Empire
CD2 #14] The Islands of the West Indies
CD2 #15] Ships of Legend
CD2 #16] Secrets of the Maya
CD2 #17] Life at Sea