《Age of Empires》是一款基于历史背景的广受好评的即时战略游戏,它向玩家展示了不同民族风格迥异的经济体制和作战方式。哪些民族有攻城优势可以傲视群雄;那些民族防御工事最坚固,在敌军兵临城之际可以反守为攻;哪些民族拥有经济优势可以更快地扩充军队,是罗马、法国、大不列颠、中国还是日本呢,人类在历史长河中有许多了不起的建筑,帝国时代让那些逝去的建筑重放光彩……
01. Noddinagushpa (Main Title) 1:12
02. Across the Ocean Sea 0:55
03. Get Off My Band 3:07
04. Felonious Junk 2:48
05. Ruinion 0:58
06. A Pirate's Temper 1:12
07. I, Menevero 2:33
08. Scruffy and Underfed 0:53
09. Leisurely Brows 3:16
10. A Hot Meal 1:05
11. Bubble Chum 0:49
12. Of Licious 2:47
13. Rest With Us 0:30
14. Get Ye Sum 3:17
15. Where's My Uncle? 0:50
16. Muptop 2:56
17. Meet These French 0:42
18. Old Timer 0:28
19. Major Rewrite/General Chunks 2:50
20. Take His Toes 0:42
21. Happy to You 2:56
22. Camels, Straws, and Backs 0:56
23. Years in the Making 0:39
24. Last Name CraneIchabod 3:12
25. Ludus Perditus (The End of Happy Times) 1:06
26. Niceterium (The Sound of One Hand Clapping) 0:52
27. There is Weather/Decisions are Made (End Credits) 3:25
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