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320K_宝宝的异想世界系列1-8全集]下的文件共79个 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. 宝宝的音符 Baby’s first own melody.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. 可爱的雷鬼旋律 Baby’s lovely reggae.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. 音乐问答 Melodic questions and answers.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. 第一次听见海 First time I hear the sea.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. 蓝调乐音 Baby loves blues.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06. 玩具会唱歌 Baby toys meet melody.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. 宝宝的笑容 Baby’s first smiling face.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. 即兴音符 Baby’s first improvisation.mp3 CD01-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. 森林沈睡精灵 Forest sounds make baby sleep.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. 宝宝的蓝调 Babies and blues.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. 开心唱游 Sing, sing, singing along.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. 手舞足蹈 Babies dancing around.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. 森林鸟儿 Birds, forest, baby.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. 好好玩 Funny but funny.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06. 美妙旋律 Baby sings melody.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. 我的玩具 Baby loves toy.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. 宝宝的发音练习 Baby’s na, na, na.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. 宝贝的悄悄话 Baby talk, baby walk.mp3 CD02-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 10.大海的摇篮曲 Baby smells the sea.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. 亲爱的妈咪 My lovely mamma.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. O.K..mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. 游戏时间 I play.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. 我的爹地 My daddy.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. 给我的妈咪 For my mamma.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06. 我的乖宝宝 This one’s for me.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. 快乐唱游 I sing along.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. 又哭又笑 I cry and I laugh.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. 给亲爱妈咪 Also for my lovely mammi.mp3 CD03-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 10.宝宝困了 I’m going to sleep now.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. 活泼之泉 Living Water.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. 给我特别的妈咪 My special mummy.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. 我们一起玩 Ha ving fun together.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. 永远的贝比 Always baby.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. 爹地的蓝调 Daddy’s blues.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06.再高一点 Higher and higher.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. 宝宝的对话 Baby’s conversation.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. 旋律的回响 Echo melody.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. 我的秘密 Baby’s secret.mp3 CD04-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 10. 安全的港湾 Safe in port.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. Fur Elise-theme(Beethoven)给爱丽丝.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. Minuet-小步舞曲.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. Ode to Joy-Theme(Beehoven)快乐颂.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. Sonata Pathetique 钢琴奏鸣曲.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. Air G弦之歌.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06. Theme钢琴奏鸣曲.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. Moonlight Sonata月光奏鸣曲.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. Ave Maria圣母颂.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. Jesu,Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)耶稣,人类渴望的喜悦.mp3 CD05-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 10. Lullaby(Brahms)摇篮曲.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. 宝宝的魔力 Baby power.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. 爹地以你为荣 Proud to be your daddy.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. 摇滚时间! Let's rock and roll.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. 快乐宝宝 Play baby play.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. 宝宝异想世界 This is baby's world.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06. 所有的爱都给了你 All my love for you.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. 我长大要当总统 Baby-President.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. 爱的语言 The language of love.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. 沈思宝宝 Baby's cool down.mp3 CD06-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 10. 睡饱饱,小宝贝 Sleep tight, little one.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. 自由自在 Free as a bird.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. 别急,慢慢来! Take your time.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. 安稳的窝 Safe at home.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. 宝宝的异想旋律 Baby's melody.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. 宝宝最爱爸爸妈妈 Baby's love for parents.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06. 我要休息啰 Toddler's rest.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. 快要睡着了…… Almost asleep.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. 沈睡之歌 Sleepy melody.mp3 CD07-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. 大宝贝和小宝贝 Toddler and baby.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 01. What lif`e really about_每一天都快活.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. The essence of harmony_我找到了快乐的秘密(1).mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 02. The essence of harmony_我找到了快乐的秘密.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 03. Simplicity is the key_简单,就是幸福.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 04. Happy flow of love_爱要活力四射.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 05. Glad you are my friend_我的好朋友.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 06. For better and for worse_晴天,雨天都快乐.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 07. Let me hug you_妈咪抱抱!.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 08. Cherish family life_一起宝贝我们的家.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 09. Sharing and caring_分享关怀 我的宝贝.mp3 CD08-雷蒙拉普(Raimond Lap) - 10. Power of family harmony_快乐大合唱.mp3 |