320k_laserlight《100首古典音乐经典名曲 10CD-8》车载MP3歌曲下载
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320k_laserlight_100首古典音乐经典名曲 The top 100 of classical music CD10-8]下的文件共10个 001.1875 TCHAIKOVSKY_Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, 1st movement (excerpt).mp3 002.1868 brahms_ cradle song.mp3 003.1875 smetana_ the moldau.mp3 004.1870 wagner_ ride of the valkyries; from 'the valkyrie'.mp3 005.1876 grieg_ morning, from 'peer gynt'.mp3 006.1875 bizet_ les toreadors, from 'carmen'.mp3 007.1870 delibes_ notturno, from 'coppelia'.mp3 008.1876 tchaikovsky_ marche slave, op. 31.mp3 009.1872 bizet_ l'arlesienne - intermezzo.mp3 010.1867 j. strauss ii_ the blue danube - waltz.mp3 |